SW2016/Excel 2019 compatibility

Good evening everyone I have a problem, under SolidWorks 2016 I can't open Excel files, I have a version of Excel from 2019 under windows 10 are there any configurations to do?I put 2 screenshots for the understanding of the question thank you for your answers.


The problem is that SW2016 is not compatible with Excel 2019.
System Requirements | SOLIDWORKS
It probably comes from there.


Is it an installed version of Office or type 365 (cloud)?
Did it work before and no longer works?
If it doesn't work anymore, what has changed?

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Are the .xls on windows linked to Excel?
Very stupid thing with a recent version of Excel it will want to save .xlsx while your SW only manages .xls
From memory we had bugs between office 365 and SW 2014 4 years ago (nothing really blocking but nice bugs nonetheless).
there may be many compatibility settings to activate in Excel so that the saved file can be used by your old SW.

The simplest/most reliable is still the downgrade of your Excel installation. to a SW2016 compatible version