Packed & Go


I would like to know if I am the only one to whom this happens.

When I make a takeaway copo and I uncheck the elements I don't want to export... finally everything is QD even exported...

Did I miss a step? Is  there an additional operation to be done?

Kind regards.


I click on the part to the left of the "Name" part to uncheck everything and select what I need, then I change the name to "Save as name"  which once the name is changed appears in green and then I have it saved.

Be careful to develop the small "+" which contain parts sometimes checked but normally no problem.


That's also what I do...:/ I'm on solidworks 2014 SP5 ...



Instead, try to make a zip folder using the composition to take with you and control what's inside. Keep us informed!


Hello Azrod, do you mean "record in ZIp" in the take-home composition?

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Yes, that's right, you saw through my game. Here I am!



it was obvious above all ... it was just to confirm, I'll try with the next one and I'll keep you posted, but I find it a shame if it's the only possibility to have a correct composition to have to ZIpper to reunzip ... Bugs solidworks qd you hold us ... instead of constantly making solidworks 2014-2015-2016 versions ... better create and name Solidworks Version... Finally stable ^^ lol

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No, it's not really to say that it's the only viable solution, but it's to check that it doesn't come from a bad path setting, or a name problem.



It's quite surprising. By unchecking the elements that I did not want to export .... well they weren't imported!

Wouldn't you have rechecked at the top (select all) by mistake? Or add the drawings after the fact? Because in this case, he reselects everything on his own!

Certain!  Corner corner :) Does it rhyme:)


Just to clarify something: if you uncheck coins but they have links to checked coins, they will still be taken away. Which seems logical in the end.

Example: if you have 3 parts, A, B, and C in an assembly 01 and B has design links with A.

If you make a takeaway comp of 01 by checking only B and C, A will still be taken away because of the links to B...