Dynamic Intelligent Component


First of all, sorry if the question has already been asked, my research has been unsuccessful, and I can't find satisfactory resources in the SW help.

I have a "nut" part, with different configurations (M6, M8, M10, etc.).
I would like to make it an intelligent component so that the right configuration is chosen automatically by the software. Which I manage to do thanks to the "auto-size" option of the "nut" smart component I created. Thus, the nut placed corresponds to the size of the hole chosen. So far so good!

Now, I'd like to know if it's possible to make it a dynamic function: that is, a change in the size of the hole automatically changes the configuration of the nut to make it the right size. 

Thank you in advance, and again sorry if this is a question already dealt with

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The question is interesting; It's a shame that there is no answer yet.
After a basic test (a plate with an M10 + a ToolBox screw that configures itself at insertion); if I change the diameter of the screw hole to M20, the screw is not directly. You have to modify your M20 configuration by hand.

Maybe a macro allows you to do this automatically?

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Otherwise, you have to go through "Smart Fastener", which is another logic for setting up the screws.

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The ideal is to use "Assembly function" and therefore to make the countersinks and taps directly in the assembly (in the context) and to put the fastener directly in this function (so the "Smart Fastener" in automatic).

The screws follow the evolution of the modifications of the Ø of tapping.



Thank you for your answer!
The assembly function solution should probably work, but I don't have the toolbox and Smart Fastener unfortunately; Is it a really interesting module?

I may look into a macro in this case.

Thank you again!

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