Multi-configuration intelligent components

Hello to the whole community.


As I am seriously considering the implementation of intelligent components within my company, I would like to know if it is possible to assign several configurations to the intelligence of the component 

Example  : a component used in two different cases and in each of the two cases, the machining to be done is different.


Thank you in advance


Kind regards



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You can configure a component with different configurations

It's up to you to know,

since you are the one who makes the component have such and such functions attached 

What is your real problem

example a part with a hole of diameter x it is by the attached functions configure to make a hole taps on the support and add a screw, a washer and a nut so yes it is possible the diameter can be different if you choose a different screw

@+ ;-)

My problem is that I have a commercial sensor, and depending on the part where I position it, I have to make either 2 holes Ø10 or an oblong Ø8x30.

I was thinking of putting my two functions in the configurator and then deleting them or not (dito a family of parts).


But from my research, I have the impression that to create two configs of the intelligence, I need two configs of the component (at the same time which is quite logical, I understand).


I was thinking more of something like this, two configurations of intelligence, and when inserting a dialog box that asks you which configuration of intelligence we want to apply...

The smart components are obviously fully configurable


You have to create configurations of the smart component, configurations of the component receiving the functions provided by the smart component and configure the assembly (the configuration of the assembly is not mandatory, but it makes things much easier)


You can look at the example of the "spin tite insert.sldprt" provided by solidworks in the "design library / smart components"

By right-clicking on "Smart Feature" in the tree you will be able to edit the definition assembly then you will have a small window "Edit Definition" and at the bottom you will have "Configurator Table" which allows you to link a config of the smart component to a config of the component with the smart function.


The configurator table may not be available for all versions, I'm talking about sw2013 and sw2014


If you have configured the scenario assembly, the table is already filled.


If you are a MyCADservices subscriber you have videos on smart components


@ happidad

You can configure several functions on a component and then declare the one you want in your function tree

@+ ;-)

Have you seen these tutorials


@+ ;-)