Composition to take away



In the links below, I see that the reference change is badly done for the simulations.


Is it possible that it does the same thing for complete assemblies?

I would like to migrate machine assemblies to the EPDM safe.

To do this, I take a project, I make a composition to take away and I put the drawings in.


First of all, what does nested display or flat display mean at the top left of the Composition to Go window?

Is it normal that when I make the take-away composition of an assembly I find assemblies that have no relation in principle to my main assembly.

I see assembly 70 in my main assembly in the Take-Home Composition window, but in my open assembly in Solidworks, I can't find it.

So I don't understand how he manages to take this 70 assembly when I can't see it.


so when I have made my take-away composition, and I open the assembly of which I made the take-away composition and placed in the safe, it always goes on the network with an access link L/... while everything is on the C/....


Do you understand anything?


thank you in advance



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Is it because I have lightweight assembly?



First of all, it is not a take-away composition that should be made to put an assembly in the safe, but an archive!

See this link:



The nested display allows you to see with tabs in which subassembly or in which plane a particular part or assembly is located, so you can see where the assembly 70 you are talking about is used for example.

Flat affencing will show the same part list, but without indentation (also known as paragraph).


By choosing to include the drawings, it is possible that a drawing displays the assembly you want to put in the trunk + assembly 70, right? That's why we'll also have assembly 70.

This is not related to lightweight blends.


But we have files that are still on the server. we need to migrate these files to the EPDM vault.

So I want to take a composition with me so that I can put everything in a client file.

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It doesn't matter if the files are on a server, there's no need to make a composition to take with you! Simply open them in SolidWorks to archive them from SolidWorks.

But if I have an assembly with 300 parts, I'll have to archive 1 to 1 of the parts then, right?


But in any case I don't understand why when I do takeaway composition there is always a path to the server since I ask it to download the pieces and put them in a folder. it's not really well done...



The composition to take with you is ideal in this kind of case!!

If your assembly already has elements saved in EPDM, when composing to go, click on "Select/Replace", choose "in the folder", with "C:\", check "deselect elements", then click on "disable all". That way, everything in EPDM won't be swept away.

If no file is under EPDM, or even you have duplicates (one version of the file in EPDM and another on the old server, both with the same name), make a complete take-home composition.

Prefer to save this composition to take with you in a temporary folder on your desk for example. It's not necessarily good to save it in EPDM live and may  explain your L:\ problem.

Once you have your files in this temporary folder, copy all of that into EPDM.

Once copied, click on the head assembly, go to Tools/Update References. The system will relink the files.

Finally, archive all this little world.

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I performed this kind of manipulation (i.e. placed in a folder on my desk) before putting it in the safe. I don't know why today the links to the L are less important. Maybe because I restarted my PC. (finally out of sleep)

But before reopening an assembly I closed Solidworks. 

it may not empty the cache...

How can this be emptied easily?


Otherwise I made a take-home composition of the same assembly in flat view and nested (in two different folders), and it gives the same thing in my folder.

all the documents are in the folder where I place them and there is no sub-folder... because I give a suffix?


I can't find the "Update references" command you're talking about. You have to be in the safe where this order is always available.



For assembly "70", it may be possible that you have copied a part from another project.

And that this part had been made by symmetry in the "70" assembly at the time.


Turning off your PC from time to time doesn't hurt. Putting the system on standby is not enough!

What cache are you talking about? Classic cache or EPDM cache? For the classic cache, the best is to restart. For the EPDM cache, right-click on the safe (blue logo with 2 white arrows) "Clear local cache".

For the Nested View/Flat View choice, as mentioned in @.PL above, it's just a matter of display, it has no bearing on the result of the composition.

For the "flat backrest" option, it influences the result. If it is checked, everything is in the same folder. If unchecked, the tree will be recreated. Not necessarily wise in your case?

Another question, why a suffix??? The names in EPDM are different from those on the backbone network??? In this case, updating the references will not work! Or do you want to go into a little more detail about your way of doing things?

To access the tool, look at the attached image: Tools/Update References. For this tool to work, the assemblies that are going to be updated must be extracted.



I put a suffix in EPDM to see if it better changed the file links...

We need to migrate from a numbering solution of the type 

00-00-0000-00-00 whose numbers were managed in an Excel file and where each person had to create his or her own numbers and not make a mistake....


has a simple number created by EPDM


PAR - xxxxxxx (for parts)

ASS- xxxxxxx (for assemblies)


so we completely change the numbering and I don't really know how to migrate...


Additional questions:

with the old files  (xx-xx-xxxx-xx-xx  ) for the file name I put a description in the properties of the part and in the feature manager I could specify what is displayed (like the description) now with EPDM I can't get that anymore, it's always the name of the file that is in the feature manager...

Do you know why?



Good... It's not easy to deal with all this on a simple question! But we'll try to move forward.

For me, the renaming MUST be done when all the files are in EPDM, the references updated, and all that little world archived. From there, any name change will be "seen" by the system and the references will be maintained (unlike a renaming in a classic Windows folder).

The easiest way to rename files is to manage it by changing the status of the WorkFlow, which will use the EPDM counter(s). Maybe that's what you plan to do for the brand new parts: a "NUMBER" step?

A few details that seem important to me:

  • In your "old" files that are going to be transferred to EPDM you must be able to easily find its old name. In the past I have done this kind of migration and I had entered this old code in the comment of the A index: "Creation of 00-00-0000-00-00 ". It was done with the INTEGRATION tool of MyCADTools I think. Or create a property where this info will be stored.
  • Keep an iso-index between the old and the new name: 00-00-0000-00-00 ind. C = PAR - xxxxxxx Ind.C. So 00-00-0000-00-00 ind. D and PAR - xxxxxxx Ind.B will not exist. Do you follow me? :)

For the additional question, EPDM doesn't normally have much to do with this, however, do you use the same document templates as before for Assemblies? Haven't you created new models for EPDM? If so, they are simply not set up in the same way at this level. You just need to change them.

Another explanation is that the property you are looking to display may not exist or no longer exists. So the system defaults to the file name.

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indeed not easy ...


so for you I should take all the files in our design/CAD folder and put them in EPDM for archivers. we had chosen for a while to put all the CAD files together in a single folder  to facilitate the paths... (all that we create not the supplier files)

I create an EPDM CAD folder, I archive and then I open the files and I "save them as" to change all the references  (the paths)?I save them in a folder not all together but in a product folder (for what is done internally) and in a customer folder QD we make a custom product.

I'm not sure how to create the folder hierarchy at the moment.


otherwise I created a box in the 3D file cartridge with the old reference.

for new parts I use the EPDM workflow and it works fine


The property exists in principle but in EPDM description is used many times in different ways I think. so maybe the system doesn't know what to take...

As for the "take-away function" command, I did the test again and it doesn't take everything. For an assembly I take the main assembly in a folder on my desk. Then this main assembly that's now on my desk, I open it up and take it away again. This changes the path of the files that always had the path to the networks.

when I update in EPDM, it has the references in the safe but when I open it it goes even on the network...





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Well... :)

In an ideal world for a migration in EPDM is to put everything in the trunk at once. If this is not possible, when EPDM is in service and in use, and you bring back an old assembly that has not been processed from the old server, you will have to redo the references by hand (File/Replace from SW). Unless you have to go through macros and programming!

For me, the best thing to do is to put everything in a folder when composing to take home, as your EPDM tree will be visibly different from your current tree.

For renaming, and moving files, in the case of a migration such as yours, you could "automate" the renaming operation by following an EPDM counter. Via WorkFlow for example. To move the files, it's the same, in EPDM you just have to move them and "throw" them in the desired folder. In any case, you can do without the tedious operation of opening your assemblies one by one and re-recording everything by hand. These 2 operations can be done SW closed. Not sure if you're clear and that you understand the nuances of it all :/

"otherwise I created a box in the 3D file cartridge with the old reference."

  • Perfect, remember to add an EPDM property on this SolidWorks property, to be able to find an old part via the search cards.

"The property exists in principle but in EPDM description is used many times in different ways I think. so maybe the system doesn't know what to take... "

  • The "Description" property can only be present once on the file. On the other hand, there may be nuances: _Descritption_ , epdm-description , ...
  • Another source, where do you fill in the properties of your EPDM part? Via the data card surely! Have you mapped the data? Mapping the data means relating the properties between EPDM and the files, thus telling the system that the "Description" property of EPDM = "Description" of sldprt = "Description" of slddrw = "Description" of sldasm...  
  • To check this, in one of these parts of an assembly that displays badly, from SW, make a File/Properties and check that you have a "Description" property filled in, in the document, or in the configurations

For the take-home arrangements, you don't need to make 2, only one is enough to have your file on the desk. All you have to do is cut/paste these files in EPDM, update the references, archive them and finally rename them (respecting this order).

Finally, you say that the files are still loaded from the old server. Is this what you see when you do File/Search for references?

I hope you follow me, it's really easier to explain in person!! :)

PS: you don't have anyone to support you on this vast subject? You don't have the help of your integrator via support and/or training days?

Hello Benoit, 


We have had a very basic training and we have one day of training left. But I would like to know a little about the system to be able to ask as many questions as possible.


To come back to the update of the references, when I do this I was never able to click on "update" because it's always grayed out...

I had the case where I tried to update an assembly, but when I did this EPDM told me "file not found" but it also put found in... the right file for each of the documents and he didn't want to make any updates...



For once, I'm attaching the EPDM help about updating the references :

There is certainly just one detail that is blocking! You can make a request to the HotLine, with a remote handover, for this specific subject, they will be able to help you much more easily than on the forum.

Good evening 

I'm coming back to the subject because I have additional information.

I made a test vault (epdmvault test) on which I put 2-3 folders and with some components of a library.

I transfer the files via a copy paste and then I archive everything to be sure not to have duplicates. 

Once this is done, if I open an assembly there are old links to the file that are saved.

So I'm doing a reference search via the reference updates as advice given in this forum.

But in the assemblies updates are well done and the new references are ok but it can't find the part.

See image. 

The part is in EPDMVAULT test and it does have this path in the component's properties but it can't open it.

It looks like one thing, if I try to open this file using the open button of solidworks, I search on the same SM1L10 file names... and it finds the file. but when I press it to open it, it tells me file not found... when he found it. cool,  no...???

The help I got from our dealer is not really what I expect. They are saying that our system is not optimal because we have duplicates.

But by making a new safe without any duplicates, there should not be this problem then..... well no... there are still some

So they advise and are sure that updating solidworks 2014 to 2015 or 2016 SP1 will fix the problem....  

The people who had SolidWorks 2014 weren't actually working? 

it's a joke what they tell me...

other info, we have the archives on a NAS disk for the moment

Can with EPDM the drawings be in a folder other than the 3D? 

I have the impression that it has but I also have the impression that it has never worked in our country...

If anyone has ever had this problem and has an idea, I'm interested...

I would like to try to put the backup of ark on a PC on the network and not on the NAS.

(our server being completely full for the moment, we can't do otherwise...)

(it will be changed in a few months...)

thank you in advance


