Thank you Coralie.
... To be continued, @+.
Thank you Coralie.
... To be continued, @+.
@A.R. you can try to do a small test with 2 extrusions on top of each other but be careful not to merge the result, then use the exploded view command.
So yes, the order will work on a multibody part.
Coralie hello,
I just solved the problem by connecting with my phone and my question <"MCQ "General use of SolidWorks" the answer does not suit me"> is validated on the site.
I think it's because of my "internet explorer" explorer.
Thank you anyway.
Coralie hello again,
I solved my MCQ problem, all by myself lol.
So I closed my question ("Answer to the MCQ "General use of SolidWorks" does not suit me)
Hello AR,
Glad to hear that, despite these difficulties, your question has been resolved!
The explorer problem has been raised several times, we will do our best to fix this,
Have a good day:)
Why when you have a person notification or question followed on an answer
When you click on it to the right of it
we don't get to the answer but at the beginning of the communication thread
it's a bit boring
I think it's easily editable
thank you @+
Hello gt22,
I see exactly what you mean, the remark has been raised and the changes will be made from September,
Have a nice day
Coralie :)