Design of mechanically welded parts


Our method of storing our files looks like this:

D0532 (= mechanically welded part)

                F00052- Tube flow rates D0532 (corresponds to the tube flow plan of the parts)

               F00053 - Plate 01 (corresponds to the plane  of the first turntables)

               F00054 - Plate 02 (corresponds to the planes of the second decks)

               F00055 - Weld D0532(corresponds to the weld plane)

To achieve this I create a welded mechanical part, and for my drawing I create several sheets with each of my bodies.

My first problem:

From one welded mechanical part to another I use an identical part, and I would like to know if there was a system to create a body, on one part and then add it on other mechanically welded parts. 

Let's say on my example I would need to use the 01 turntable (reference F00053) on another part, how can I take it out of my part and add it to the other.

My second problem:

I use custom properties, how can I fill them on welded bodies?



For the 1st problem, you just have to create your gussets in welded construction but just a flat piece.

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You can insert a part with its own properties into your mechanically welded part.