Design of solidworks hot air balloon panels


New to this forum and amateur on solidworks, I want to model a hot air balloon with 18 panels (pieces of canvas sewn together). Do you know how or with which function of SolidWorks I will be able to do this? Indeed I managed to make the panels but I didn't manage to do the crowning of the canvas for each panel.

In pj a design on solidworks of a hot air balloon so that you can see a little better

Thank you in advance, have a good day to you




Are they volume or surface bodies?
If it is a volume body, you can use the "Combine" function
If it is a surface body, you must use the "Stitched Surface" function

Hello Pierre,

Thank you for answering me


What difference do you make between volume or surface 



Hello @vbruno391,

An example of a polygon design in the attachment (2018 version).
A first panel is based on a surface smoothing function using two meridian curves of the envelope, and two guide curves based on arcs of circles for the "bulging" of the canvas.
The other panels are deduced from the first by circular repetition.
A volume version would give thickness to the canvas.
Have a good flight...


Hello MBT,

thank you for the feedback, for the flight it will wait lol...

Thank you for your explanations, on the other hand I can't open your file, I have solidworks 2010 is that why?

Have a nice day



2010... It's the Middle Ages in terms of 3D.
A version of Solidworks can only open a model if it was created with the same version, or an older version. The reverse is impossible, except through exchange formats that degrade the information in the creation tree.
As a result, you will have to rebuild the model. Attached is a document on the procedure I used with SolidWorks 2018.
M. Blt



I attached a file on which I drew the curve, I wanted to know how I can duplicate this curve with an angle of 20° around the central axis in order to have two curves


Thank you


Thank you

Yes I know it's old but I'm trying to deal with it. 

Really a big thank you for your tutorial I'll watch it carefully. 

Good evening to you

Good evening m.blt

I followed the tutorial and I succeeded. Thank you again for your help. I'm super happy