
I have a project that consists of making a 12m dolphin with a 4m dolphin height, the body and structure is aluminum, the mast is steel.
Is it possible to help me design a connection between the mast and the body?
Is it possible to simulate the structure, it will be installed on a marina.
Thank you


Hello Farouk,
First and foremost, the dolphin's design is superb.
Then, why make a support of this type on such a pretty piece?
In my opinion, the support should be much more " design " or more " fluid ". No?
In any case, it's a great project.
Kind regards

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Very nice design!! Indeed, why not make a more designer support?

Yes, like a wave with splashes to camouflage the mast.

As for the mast-dolphin connection, it all depends on the acceptable complexity.

A few ideas.
A " parasol " pole. A hole under the dolphin to insert the pole, and deployment of the chupa chups-type parasol mechanism, which unfolds in the shape of a sphere, to " fill " the space and come into contact with the internal structure.
This same principle of holding by simple contact/pressure can also be envisaged with a kind of balloon; the mast is inserted, the balloon is inflated to fill the void.

Another simpler idea, add between the 2 reds a square heart frame to slide the mast into it, which should have flat faces on the part in the dolphin, to avoid making it a weathervane.

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Thank you for your answers,
I don't know if I would add a wave structure, I've considered it but haven't decided yet.
I want an assembly which is the simplest, I plan to galvanize the mast and everything steel and treat it with boat paint.

A steel frame separated from the mast that connects the mast with the aluminum structure. is the idea I retain,
I don't want to make a trapdoor/opening or split the middle body part in two
There will be customers and restaurant tables below the structure.
What do you think?


A draft to illustrate this point:

I have spared you the reinforcements between the " cyan " heart and the red frames for more readability.
In blue, I suggest a kind of backbone (an aluminum slat should be enough) for a better distribution of weight on the mast and to ensure greater rigidity because, if the dolphin is accessible to the public, we can bet that some will want to touch it, hold on to it, hang from it, from the tail, snout and fins in particular, for a photo... Yes, even at 4 meters. The fins are very sensitive and fragile, they may need to be reinforced.


Be careful with the weather conditions too, wind, snow...
Especially the wind 12m long, it would be a shame to find it 100m further planted in a roof!


Finally, leaving the mast free like a weather vane is perhaps the best way to resist the winds :nerd_face:


Thank you for your answer
I started with the concept of using steel and aluminum sheets. machined and tapped to fix the mast to the structure, I think I will make a first proposal which consists of using bars assembled by bolts

I don't really see how I could integrate the dolphin column in one piece

On my Screenshot the structures in red are 50 square tube and 40 those in blue are 30 square tube
Is the use of purple bars enough?

No, the purple (magenta) wireframe will not be enough to hold together the 2 reds and the central one. They must be linked like the others. In my illustration, the magenta lines are actually from the same tube as the red frames.

I had thought that what we saw in wireframe on your images was a skin rendered in wireframe, but if I understand better, the dolphin's skin is indeed wire, so the frame is visible on the finished product?

it's Ø8 round bars in aluminum, there will be a carpet or plastic cladding (which contains patterns: wave or other).

In my design, what I have a problem with is the editing method and the complexity I created ^^'.

A 12m structure held by Ø12 aluminum circles seems fair to me.
Especially outdoors if this is the case and therefore subject to possible strong gales and moreover with the public below.
For my part, I would have integrated a rigid and load-bearing structure lengthwise (in red.)


Yes, same, that was the purpose of my spine in blue.

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I hadn't seen that spine!
But it is indeed essential in the center or at the top, it doesn't matter.

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For " the spine " I would like to see an airplane wing design!