Conditions within constraints

Hi all 

I am working on an assembly and I am trying to determine a kind of input-output law in order to limit the conditions of use of my mechanism.

I'd like to know if it's possible to put a condition (IIF in particular) in an assembly constraint. 

In principle, I would like my if a distance is negative (yes yes I know, it's not very fair to write it like that) between 2 points, then the coincidence constraint is made with such a plane, if not with such a plane. Otherwise, let one constraint be active, if not the other. The purpose is to recover a length induced by this constraint. Ideally, it would be automatically extracted to a spreadsheet... (yes yes I know I'm dreaming).

I thought I could do the 2 constraints and turn them on or off using a macro.

I thought that maybe, before I started, the community had ideas on how to do it? Or has it already been done?

Thank you for your help



I think that all this can be done via the spreadsheet directly and it is the spreadsheet that will activate or not the "positive" and "negative" position constraints. 

Basically, I don't think it can be managed automatically under SW but no longer under Excel.

Hello FUZ3D, 

Thank you for your answer. Nevertheless, I don't know which spreadsheet you are referring to. Can you explain the subject? 

Thank you

I'm talking about excel via the spreadsheet-controlled part family function. (actually SW uses Excel)

Otherwise you have to make a family of parts and manually activate this or that constraint.

Warning: SW generally does not like negative values, so sometimes you have to go through an intermediate plane that is sufficiently offset.

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Hi all 

Here's how I tried to do it (it's still very manual, I didn't have time to make an API/macro that manages it on its own).

I installed a control of my angular stress and then I installed measurement sensors (be careful, only positive values). I then varied my rating using my stress control and then I recorded the values indicated by my sensors. All in an Excel spreadsheet and I was able to extract my long-awaited graph!

I contacted support and there are no Built-In solutions. They offered me to use the room family but it doesn't seem any easier. The motion study does not allow you to do this visibly either. Another solution would have been to do this in the form of a CAD/CAM, but it is long and complicated.



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