Separately saved parts config


I have a memory lapse... Can we save the configuration of a room in a separate room? I tried to make 3 igs of my 3 configs but it doesn't work!


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Hi @ Gerald

if for you a part that has 3 config is the same part

I can understand it so she has the same refs

and yet if it's a room with several configs 

for SW it's not the same parts  

so you have to name it with a different name

e.g. name the base piece

(name + extension for config 1)

(name + extension for config 2)

(name + extension for config 3)

 And then you save all these parts separately with their own name + extension

This is what I think about declaring  the parts independent of each other

and thus being able to export them with their own name




Hi @gt22

I saved my part under different ref and deleted the config not necessary for each one to then send them in IGS.

I thought there was a trick or an icon to directly do this function.

or it's my IGS that are not good because I can only directly transform the basic config and the others I come out of the points not even grouped.



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In the other configs not practicable

Are you sure that all the refs of constraints, on the side are ok?


On constraint refs my sketches are black and I have different plans for the functions. I don't hang on to an existing function to make an extrude for example.

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Have you read this link


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With BatchConverter you can do this by adding the name of the conf in the finished part. So you'll have several iges.

Be careful with the names of the confs so as not to have characters forbidden by Windows.

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I don't have the mycadtool suite anymore... no more money more maintenance and it's now that its messing around

I have no forbidden characters

the config on of the name of HPM001, HPL002,HPR003

basically the M c is molded or machined and the L and the R c is what adds to the first one the right or left render.

But in reality I was sure that if you select the config and save in igs it worked.


Well for the record, it works with the steps so once again gt22 put its finger on it, it's my IGS config that screws up


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