Complex 3D configurator

I'm looking to create a 3D configurator of a complete set (I can't mention the product but let's imagine a shipping container to be modified). The configurator must:

  • Manage the overall dimension of my set with an impact on the dimension of the parts in the sub-assemblies that compose it.
  • Manage the deletion/display states of parts in the assembly and the subassemblies that compose it.
  • Manage feature deletion/display states (extrusion) as well as the dimension of these features in parts located in the subassemblies that compose it.

In your experience, what would be the best way to do this?
In my experience I would have gone through a macro, possibly opening a VBA type window in which the user would fill in all the necessary elements and then click on a button transferring the information to the part family of the assembly. I don't know if the part family can drive everything I've mentioned before (I doubt it). Does this mean that the information must also be transferred to a family of parts for each affected part?
If you have any feedback, I'm interested in going in the right direction from the start.
Thank you in advance.
Have a nice day.

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What is the purpose of the configurator? Design or sale?
There's DriveWorks.
Otherwise, it can actually be managed in the excel sheet of the part family (I've already done... but a crazy click destroyed everything in 2 clicks.).


In the context of use for pre-study. This allows the designer to have a pre-configuration of the assembly to the right dimensions and with the desired elements, for example so many doors, hatches at such and such dimensions and positions.
Then he can continue some steps of designs and why transmit a 3D visualization for sale.

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I also just saw that I didn't have access to driveworks.

Hello @g_chanson ,

you can make a ticket to VISIATIV to get a activation code for Driveworksxpress.
it's a lite version of Driveworks (but I don't know how lite-like it is).
Indeed you can do it as a family of rooms, that's how we do it now.



Obviously it depends on your version of Solidworks but if you are using a " local " version then you can test the Xpress version of Driveworks, available in the Xpress tools/Product Menu (you will probably have to request the activation key associated with that of your Solidworks -

Note: the Xpress suite of tools is " free " for all solidworks under active license.)


Thank you for your feedback. Anyone have an example of a part family of an assembly that transmits information in the parts that make it up? For example, the part family of the assembly changes the dimensions of the parts and removes extrusions in those parts?

A classic solution: the skeleton piece.
You insert this part into all asm or s/asm and import it into the parts that require a change in dimension.
In this part, you create one or more sketches whose dimensions correspond to the desired dimensions and to manage the presence/deletion of components, you have to play with the equations (or excel since assembly family).


In equations, this type of instruction allows you to size the dimension of a part from the assembly in which it is located:
D1@Boss.-Extru.1@PART1<1>. Part
Unfortunately, this line doesn't work if I insert it into a family of parts.
Do you know the right way to write it?

Salute @stefbeno

You wouldn't have at least one image of what you call a skeleton. Thank you

PS: I don't prepare Alloween :dotted_line_face:

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[Out of sujet_On] Here you are!!! Hello @Zozo_mp , do you make your annual appearance for the " Happy New Year "? [Out of sujet_OFF]

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Hello @Zozo_mp , for my part I use skeleton sketches for metal structures for example. A modification on the skeleton and the whole assembly is updated.
In practice, back from taking measurements on site, modification on the pc and presto, everything is updated.

Indeed, if I only had to manage the dimensional, I could go through the skeleton but I also have to manage the removal of function in the parts.

With equation + skeleton perhaps? or just the equations according to the complexity of the whole.
One or more global variables if variable = 1 deletion for example?

There is nothing typical or rocket science.
It's just a way to pass on common information.
These are sketches so you do according to your needs.

Let's imagine that you make your tables, a sketch (a rectangle) could be used to position the legs in the asm and another (just a line) to give the length of the legs.

On a more twisted model where the values to be passed are not dimensions, you can make a sketch with just segments of lines so the length corresponds to a value. And you get this length back in your equations.

By codifying your values, you can also manage the deletion of a component;

  • 10mm line: component present, line of another length: component removed
  • 10mm line: qty 1, 20mm line: qty 2, etc.

Excellent! Thank you very much indeed I hadn't thought of proceeding like that for the info.
I'm very interested in proceeding with the concept of the skeleton but I still have one sticking point: I'd like not to go through the equation module of solidworks.
Let me explain why: the configurator I'm trying to create is the entry point for a pre-study project. Basically, at startup, the user uses the configurator to generate a complex, pre-dimensioned and pre-arranged model quickly. Then he exports it to work on it in the pre-study phase for the parts that are more complex to configure. Depending on what he is going to do and design, he may have to make changes to what the configurator has produced and therefore break links and others. From experience with equations, if you start making changes, you quickly end up with the equation module in red and a model in error. Whereas with part families, if you need to modify the part without the configurator, you delete the room family (because it works on export files and not the original configurator files) and you are free to do whatever you want. What I write may be wrong the last time I did the configuration, it's been :slight_smile:
Is it possible to have the skeleton drive data in part families? That way I can use your principle which would remove a good thorn in my side on the transmission of information to my entire tree. And if necessary, I can kill the link with the family of parts.

To complete @stefbeno and @Le_Bidule, yes a skeleton can modify a family of parts, without any problem.
We did this for a configurable staircase.
Assembly A contains one (or more sketches)
The dimensions of the sketch are controlled by your part family.
The parts of assembly A (or sub-assembly + part if necessary), are controlled in dimension by the family of parts (or the skeleton or both) and are constrained in relation to your skeleton.


Super! Thank you very much for your feedback! So I'm going to do some tests soon to try to understand how the skeleton can drive the part family. The opposite path I can see it but in this sense I block a little to represent it.
And so in my project the skeleton will only be used to transmit dimensional and " function deletion coding" information. It will give information about the offset of reference planes for the constraints because in the mind the designer who will retrieve the model will have to delete the skeleton and the families of parts so no constraints with him.