Setup with/without Repeat?

Hello community.

Is it possible to have on the same model, a configuration with a sketch repetition, and another without?

I haven't figured out how to assign a configuration to a repeat. If I delete the repetition from one config, it deletes it from all the configs.


Normally if you put repetition 0 or 1 to test and affect only the desired configuration it should work...

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The thing is that I don't see any "configuration..." in the repeat options :neutral_face:

When you double click on the function where the sketch repeat is located; The number of occurrences appears and there it seems to me that if you double click on it you have a window that opens or you can type the number and at the end of the line you will have an arrow and if you click on it you can choose


I don't have the pc on anymore, I'll look tomorrow morning

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So thank you for the info because for a repetition of 2 or more occurrences it works, but not in my case; I want to go from 1 occurrence to 2, except that we can't set a value less than 2 :angry:

I tell you, humans have only one goal; Prevent humans from moving forward!!

I remember how I had worked around the problem, in the surface there is a function delete the face and I had removed the 1st hole of the repetition and make a repetition of the function by linking the two options)double click on the function repetition to delete the face and there you take the number of occurrences and you put a = and you double click on your function or the sketch repetition what is and select the number and there the two are linked and you will only have to activate / deactivate the delete face function according to your need. I hope you understand what I'm writing because for me it's clear in my head :rofl::joy::rofl::joy: but when I look outside it's not very clear :grin::grin::grin:

I hate sketch rehearsals.
If you can replace it with a normal repetition it will be easier.


I believe that during a repetition of a sketch or a function, the value cannot be less than 2.

On the other hand, what you can try is to make a room family table where you can delete the functions you don't need thanks to " $ETAT@Name of your function "


In the case of the table above, in my " Default " configuration, the function is solved so active

In my " test " configuration the function is removed


In the same way where you can remove/activate the material removal function

If you need I can send you the part.

Kind regards

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Hello @ac_cobra_427 @stefbeno @q.nassoy Thank you for your answers.

It's surprising that this story is so complicated :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I'll still test your methods, but I'm starting to doubt the relevance of my use of sketch repetition for a configuration.

In the meantime, here are some details that may inspire.

The idea is to have a panel (whose profile is being studied) of radial fans, with different combinations of diameters, arrangement and quantity.
So I wanted to create the configurations (141412, 141214, 121414, ...), of which here is the 121414, i.e. the 12cm + a repeated 14cm:

But I want to be able to have configurations with 1 or 2 fans, like 1214 but also 1414 (without 12).

Do you think there is a better way to do this?

Finally the problem, as @q.nassoy wrote, is just that a repetition (whatever it is) cannot have 1 as a number of instances.
So the right method is to make a function by size whose position is configured, associated with a repeat function whose step and quantity you configure and the deleted state if qty 1.

And personally, it's not one function but 2 or 3 per size: the removal of circular matter, a hole and a repetition (if you're sure you'll only ever have 4 holes you can save it)


Would there be a list of everything that can be assigned to configurations?

Normally all functions and all dimensions

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Nb occurrences 1 it works in sketch mode but not in function mode. In other words, it works 1 occ repetition of a circle for example but not 1 cylinder.
And that's where it gets twisted. In sketch mode, it works on one condition. You should not directly create 1 occ. But create at least two occs then go through the config table and replace 2occ with 1 occ. This method does not work in function mode.

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But I would go about it differently in this case.
I would create 3 blocks in a single sketch (12,14 and 14). I create 3 independent kidnappings. Then the config that activates / deactivates the removal. Blocks because they are easily moveable.


Very interesting method @soring thank you.

Is it possible to switch construction lines to solid lines and vice versa, from one configuration to another?

The idea would be to have a sketch with 3x 12, with their entities in build mode or normal, and then apply a single removal.
And the same with a 2x 14 sketch.
I would toggle the mode of the lines concerned so that they are under construction or not depending on the configuration.

I understand but I don't think so. That's why I proposed individual removals because it can create a large number of variants with only 1 sketch and 3 extrusions.
But to use the entire sketch without having to select an area, I think you need to use 3 independent sketches of each block.
I don't know of a method to switch between construction line and solid.


So, I ended up figuring out how to handle the problem, always with the goal of making it as simple as possible. I come up with 2 solutions, each as simple and viable as the other.

The first, simply taking advantage of the fact that an abduction applied to entities outside the boundaries of a body ignores these entities.
It is then enough to have a single sketch with all the diameters, repeated at their maximum quantity (on this 3x12 and 2x14 project).
Then to apply a removal to this sketch.
And since what is outside is ignored, by playing only on the placement of the entities and the spacing between their repetitions, I can get all combinations, and assign them to the configurations...

The unique function:

Second solution, which takes up the previous principle but this time plays on the number of occurrences (via tip from @ac_cobra_427 thank you).
So, you will tell me " we cannot have less than 2 occurrences ", indeed. Unless they are spread over the 2 axes!
With 2 occurrences in X, we can go down to only 1 in Y. So with copy X out of bounds (and therefore ignored), we are allowed to put Y=1 and we will have only one visible occurrence.

(I'll illustrate this second case later)


Hello @here

As promised, here is the illustration of the second solution, and even better, I improved it but outright :smiley:

Video explanations:

Hoping to be clear enough and not too messy. Let me know.

Kind regards



dsl but I can't see the video