Welded Construction Configuration - Profile Selection


I am in the process of discovering welded constructions,
I would like to know if it is possible to create a room configuration
In order to have the option to select which profile to use.

Like what
I have a square tube design,
Is it possible to select one of the different profiles (20x20x2 / 30x30x2.6)
Without going through the function editing, but by going through the configuration table?

Thanks in advance,


Not to my knowledge.
Nevertheless, since the 2016 version (it seems to me), the profiles can be defined in the form of a family table, there may be hope.

Thank you for your answer,
I am on SW 2015

If there is no solution,
I'm going to have to go through several files.

Depending on the number of bars and profiles to be managed, you can play around by configuring the functions.

1st idea for a solution:

I created a basic sketch,
Then created as many configurations as I need.

I then open the configurations one after the other,
By making my welded constructions according to the configuration.

I created a small DriveWorks Xpress project,
In order to have a plan and a bill of materials that come out automatically.

It works quite well,

I just need to know if there's a way to create a property
In order to bring up the name of the configuration

By scratching a little, I found it.