Room configuration for bookcase

Hello, I would like to create a part for a library (in this case a tube) that is infinitely configurable, let me explain, I would like that when I insert this tube (which is already configured in diameter and thickness) in my assembly I can define a length for this tube.
Is this possible?
I've already thought about the families of parts but I'd have to create all the configurations, which is rather cumbersome to do.
Thank you for your help


I believe that there is indeed no simple solution in SolidWorks.

The easiest way is to make a tube of the maximum possible length, then remove the material at the assembly.


It is possible to create a custom properties form and then retrieve these properties from the function with the equations.



It's stupid what I'm going to say; but there is Toolbox which is there for that...

Otherwise you can create a sketch library. I have this for material removal with spacers. When creating your part, you bring back the sketch and extrude it and you're done

Otherwise there is ... mechanical welding! Who, I think, will respond to your request:)


You create a custom sketch library in . SLDLFP.

Be careful, remember to memorize its location in tools->option->File location ->Welded construction profiles.


Then, when you need a new tube, you create a sketch in a new room. A simple line at the desired length.

All that remains is to link your sketch with the appropriate mechanically welded element. There you go!

Create a custom profile

Creating a mechanically welded element

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There may be a solution, it's the publisher configuration. It allows you to create configurations when inserting into an assembly but also it saves them. This way you can create new configurations or use an existing one.

may the force be with you.


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There is also CloneComponent, you can define which dimensions can be set when inserting the component into an assembly, you can also ask to duplicate it or create a new internal component, the advantage is that it avoids having a part with hundreds of configurations that will also be more cumbersome to manage by using it in different lengths.

CloneComponents is available in myCADtools, attached is the tool's help file that can give a good idea of how it works.

Have a nice day


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Thank you for your answers.

If I take a tube of maximum length and reduce it in the assembly, that same tube will be reduced in my part file as well, so if I'm not mistaken, I couldn't reuse it with another different size.

Having the standard version of Solidworks I don't have the toolbox.

The option of mechanical welding does not bother me much because working on assemblies with many tubes it still forces me to create a part for each tube, but this is what I want to avoid because I find it too heavy.

So I'm going to try to look at the solutions of RazFlash, OBI WAN and Mick.Cordero which seems more suitable to my situation.


No, if the material removal function is done in the assembly, it will not affect the part: