NVIDIA K4000 Driver Configuration for Solidworks?

Hello everyone,


We have just acquired 2 HP Z420 Stations with NVidia K4000 graphics cards (3GB). This seems to be a very good configuration however, the control panel of the card's driver is relatively complicated to fill in to get the most out of the hardware configuration.


Does any of you have any information on how to fill in the different lines.


Kind regards


If you have downloaded the drivers on this site everything should be good

After all, it depends on your preferences............ rendered etc.


@+ ;-)

I don't know if it helps.




Otherwise ask Yves Boutherand as well 



 He is the one who created this tutorial.

1 Like


There's a guide to harnessing hardware potential with SolidWorks



Maybe start there :-)


[edit] Very good what Mathieu Anger, for Real View, answered



It's not simple, as @gt22 says, it's about how you want to work.

By increasing the perfs as you go, you can test the perfs while checking if the rest of the machine is following well.

To set it up, I advise you to download a good big file (assembly) on Grabcad (e.g. Fateh MERRAD's Audi R8 https://grabcad.com/library/audi-r8--2 ) and test with this file.


If the config follows well on such an assembly, it will necessarily follow on less substantial assemblies:)


Good luck

Hello tdurantin,


With drivers downloaded from the SolidWorks (http://www.solidworks.com/sw/support/videocardtesting.html) site, there is no need to set specific parameters, I would even advise against it because most SolidWorks users do not make these changes.


Generally speaking, if your driver works in your configuration, keep it and only change it in case you have major graphics problems or if the technical support advises you to do so.


Have a nice day


Thank you for this information.

We use very large assemblies already and I'm surprised to see (through nvidia graphics card analysis utility) that the memory of the card is very little loaded (about 1GB out of the 3) and that the GPU is very little used...

Also, very frequently in solidworks, Solidworks seems to be stuck and the status bar says "Graph Generation". At this point, the graphics card's processor doesn't run anymore.

Stupidly, I have the impression that the graphics part is not handled by the graphics card but by the processor of the machine.

it's right it's the CPU that does the + of work excluding rendering

That's why it is at least recommended to have a proc that runs at + 3 GHz


look at the subject is treated here




@+ ;-)

You looked in your Sw Options in the "Performance" section :

The line "Emulates OpenGL functions" should be grayed out and unchecked.



The openGL emulator case is greyed out

The processor does indeed do a lot of things in SolidWorks and in addition it is not used totally for multi-core.


What exactly are the graphics problems? because the "Emulate Open GL functions" box can be used to question the graphics card.




- Reproduce the graphical problem

- Closed all documents in SW

- Go to the options, the "Emulate Open GL functions" box is no longer grayed out, checked the 

- Reproduce the graphics problem, if there is no longer a graphics problem you must blame the graphics card because this option deactivates it. In this case, tested a new supported driver on the SolidWorks site with your station.


Warning: you must not forget to always uncheck this option for classic use of SolidWorks.