Room Family Configuration

Hello, I would like to know if it was possible, in a family of rooms, to configure one side so that it changes according to another.

Let me explain, I would like that when for example I change my "Tube inclination" dimension (let's say I change it to 45°) my "B/E inclination" and "B/S inclination" dimensions automatically switch to 45° too.

I never use the parts families, so I have no idea how it works.

I'm working on SolidWorks 2018. 



You can use the function ''=If(E2=360; 90; 45)", in cell F3 for example and the same for cell G3

In your room family, it will then automatically adapt according to the values you have inserted

I remain available if you have any questions

Good morning


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Thank you for your answer! Indeed your function works well but another problem arises, in this specific case I must be able to make sure that all the sides follow each other according to the angle (and the length but one problem at a time) of my tube, the problem being that the inclination of my tube does not only vary between 0° and 45° all the values located between must also enter the equation (i.e. at 1°; 2°; 3°ect... up to 45°).

So the function works niquel but it's a little too "binary" for what I want to do^^

Good morning to you too 

You can easily add the other angles according to "=If(E2=360; 45; (if(E2=359;44...)) "

And if you have more space you can add it in another column, putting the name "$commentaire"  so that Solidworks does not delete it

or do it on several columns and then on the final column, it takes the one that suits according to :), you just have to replace the 45, by the box concerning the desired value:)

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Thank you very much, I'll try it out!


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Why not put the values B/S and B/E = to that of the inclination of the tube with the equations? 


It will avoid having a lot of column in the family but it must always be the case.


Kind regards.

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What does that mean? I don't really understand what you mean mandrake.

I have one last little question and then I'll stop bothering you, I promise!

I guess it's possible but I don't know how to do it, can I make a dimension change according to two values? For example, changed the value of "L side" to "tube inclination" AND "tube length"? 

Ah! I understand what you mean mandrake, it's well thought out but I can't because the angle is not the same for the tube and the B/S and B/E

look at the attachment to see what my equation looks like (the first number corresponds to the angle of the tube and the other to the angle of the B/S and B/S) 


Yes, it is possible to do so

You have to do the same thing on 2 columns where you will have the value of L with inclination and a 2nd with the length

And then in the final cell, you put an element to make you choose which value to take:)

Don't worry, don't bother us, we're here to help;)

Super! Thank you for your help! 

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You're welcome:)

Finally I just had to nest the functions one within the other, I attach my final table with my nested equation

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