Layout configuration + automatic bill of materials


I work on standard solidworks 2018, and I do a particular drawing for my client (with its color codes in particular).

I work on my plans in .dwg, but the problem is that on my assemblies and parts, once drawn with solidworks, the hole axis lines are not displayed. I'll need to set the drawing setup so that they appear, whether it's a hole made using the drill wizard, or a hole made using a simple extrusion function.

Second question, I can't find the line corresponding to my thread representations.

For example, I have a thread in side view, the outer lines of the thread will appear in black, except for example this line is a hidden line and should be magenta color according to my client's color codes. Green if apparent, but it doesn't and I can't find the corresponding line.

Third question:

I would like to know if it is possible to set up my different parts so that I can indicate a mark, a material, a flow rating and a quantity and that I obtain a nomenclature of the different elements? I spend a lot of time postponing everything in relation to my overall and definition plans.

Namely I work on draftsight to take all the 2D and send the boards to my client, so if it is possible to do this on draftsight it doesn't bother me either as long as I can optimize my work times.

Thank you in advance,


Kind regards

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First, if you want to have detailed answers to your questions, it is better to create one question per post. It will be easier for users to respond to you according to their skills and your request.

Why do you work on your plans in dwg. You can do everything in the SW MEP and then export to DWG with the possible use of the "SW to DXF/DWG Custom Projection" files

Question 1:

Regarding your lines and axes of construction, you have to go to the document options and check what you want to insert by default. If you make this setting on your document template, you won't have to do it every time you draw. (Image1.png).

Question 3:

You can create your guides by retrieving properties from your parts: 1 "QTE" property, a "Material" property that will point to the material of your part, a "Flow rate" property, etc..., You can always create a bubble library (guide) in which you initialize what you want, as soon as you drag this mark on a part it will automatically retrieve the values of your properties. These properties can also be used to create your BOMs (customize a BOM table template with all the columns you want). In addition, this BOM can be created in your 3D assembly and inserted into your drawing.

Kind regards
