PC configuration for solidworks2014


Can you tell me which graphic map you use to render?

Thank you in advance.



On my PC, I have an Nvidia quatro 2000 and the 2014 runs very well.

Do you render with it?


For the rendering, it's the number of cores of the processor that is important, the graphics card takes a back seat!

The results of different workstations / configurations can be compared on the SolidWorks website:


The last Render column is the render. On the other hand, I'm afraid that values that are too low are biased.




On my PC, I have an NVIDIA quatro FX 3800 and the 2014 works very well.

ok is there a minimum number recommended?


It depends on the frequency of the renderings (once a week, several times a day) and the quality requested: I had to render on a 32-bit dual core for a 4 by 3 meter poster for a show, and it took nearly 80 hours...

8 cores are recommended afterwards, it's just that it will take longer, so if you leave the machine running overnight, it's not really a problem to take a 4 cores...

You also need a lot of RAM I think, 8 GB quite fast, it seems a minimum (but with 16 GB it will probably run better!).


As Lucas says,


It's not the graphics card that calculates, but the processor(s).


Take a quad core in i5 it's more than enough.


For the graphics card take at least the quadro 2000. but I advise you more a 4000


Moreover, during a render, we see each processor represented by a small yellow square: with 8 cores, we divide the rendering time by 2.

But it's always a question of the "time saved/financial investment" ratio that is difficult to judge!


But in any case: the rendering will be exactly the same with the worst and the best workstation!

The only thing that will change will be the computation time !!


Rendering software is important too!! For the same rendering of the same quality, solidworks 360 photo viewer takes between 8 and 10 times longer than keyshot .... So not negligible!

Intel Xeon 6 cores 3.33 Ghz / 24 GB ram / 3GB Nvidia

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You said it all.


Often people think that you need a racing beast to gain quality. Of course not!


It's just to save time. (And also so that the machia doesn't catch fire either:p)

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Thank you for your answers,

I have a 6 core with 12 GB of RAM

When I make a rendering of 2x1.5m it takes me about 50 hours, the assembly has a 15th of parts.

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I'm bouncing back on the subject, even if I don't know well about rendering problems in solidworks, I'm mostly on simulation problems.

The problem with Solidworks (whatever version) is that it is single-core! I have this problem in simulation where only the computational process (star.exe) is multicore. Everything that runs with the  solidworks.exe process is single-core. So whether there are 2, 4 or 8 cores, it's useless, only the pure frequency of the processor intervenes.

After in opinion on your config, 12 GB of ram seems a bit low to me. If you don't have an SSD hard drive, the SWAP time must be enormous.

For information, I had performance problems with a DELL T3600 station in SAS disk, I just added an SSD HDD for the tempo files (windows and SolidWorks), it was night and day. The only problem is on the DELL manufacturer's warranty... it farts if it's not a DELL disk


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