Property Array Driven Configuration

Hello lynkoa friends,

That's good for the title, everything is said. I searched but found nothing concrete. I have an assembly of X parts with a pitch of 2500mm from 250 to 3000mm. I would like to via a menu scroll down to switch from one configuration to another. I have the impression that it's not feasible.

May the Force be with you


You tried to Pilot your step via a family of parts (excel table) which allows you to modify the different configurations in an assembly via a drop-down menu. 

Bonjour@ alexandreleroux18

Well I have a 4-piece assembly. I have 12 configurations and to go from the 3000 assembly configuration to the 2750 assembly I would like to do it from the property board and not by the property manager as we usually do. I know how to do it with a part, it's simple but an assembly then the mystery????

See the tutorial of our friends @ a.leblanc

may the force be with you.



See attached example with a Sioux ruse! (if I understood the request correctly...)

To explain, the name of the part configuration is equal to the length.

like that in the assembly I just have to create the column $CONFIGURATION@PartName and put the 1st value then the 2nd and thanks to excel to stretch to the desired value.

This trick is only feasible if the configuration name is numeric.

This is the only trick I've found to create a large batch of assemblies configured with a part containing a lot of configurations.

Hello @ sbadenis ,

No it's not really what I'm looking for, I don't want to go to the Property Manager because when you have configures and under configures I find it indigestible. while a simple drop-down menu is more user-friendly (in my opinion).

I'll give you an example , I have a screw washer nut assembly controlled by the property table. I know how to drive the screw, washer and nut independently of one of the for example when  I ask for M6 screw, it would be cool if the nut went to M6 and the washer. And it would also be cool to be able to choose if the washer is L LL M Z. With configurations it's simple. but with a property board then I'm still looking.

may the force be with you.


Sorry but no idea I don't really know this property array, not using it.

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Hello Community,

I'm closing because no progress on the subject, I continue to look and I'll come back if I have any positives.

Thank you to the interlocutors.

Have a good week and may the force be with you.




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Hello Obi Wan,
I didn't understand where exactly you wanted to go: what you call "Property Array" is the custom property array?

In which case, does it mean that you have a personal prop that defines your size (to stay in line with your example)?
So, knowing that the config array is based on XL, you could use this property to drive the called config.

On the other hand, in order to have a window with a drop-down menu / checkbox / radio button, unless you go through a macro, I don't see any function that offers it.


Hi, sorry for my lack of presence on the forum.

Yes I think it may be possible :), unfortunately I'm still on SP5 of the 2016 version and I can't open your files.

First of all, with the custom properties form and some formulas with the equation window you can view/delete parts with the state 1 or 0 of a property (like checkbox and formula Room 1 = property 1).

But if not, why not use the Lib Feat Part?


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@ a.leblanc  I have already advanced on formulas  with the equation window but for example just to size a washer according to the Ø it gives its  = IIF ( "D1@Esquisse1" = 6 , 18 , IIF ( "D1@Esquisse1" = 8 , 22 , IIF ( "D1@Esquisse1" = 10 , 27 , IIF ( "D1@Esquisse1" = 12 , 32 , IIF ( "D1@Esquisse1" = 16 , 40 , IIF ( "D1@Esquisse1" = 20 , 50 , IIF ( "D1@Esquisse1" = 5 , 16 , 100 ) ) ) ) )

so if I add the washer  condition, i.e . Z M L LL  it's doable but hello line.

but the track to delete the bodies   is good.

may the force be with you.


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