Solid Configuration for Solid

Hello everyone and thank you very much for your help.

I fall out of my chair when I discover the performance evaluation tool and what it teaches me....

I have spent a lot of time building a complete 3D library of all the components we commonly use and Béné Inox is my main resource...

Looking at all my models, the evaluation report is very bad and points to the entire Béné and company collection. In fact all the rooms seem to be to be avoided, and makes their principle of sharing more than useless, it is penalizing.

I now have to replace and redo all my valves, flanges, instrum . Systematically model the heat exchanger, heat  pump without taking advantage of the 3d provided individually

All of this changes the nature of my work and will actually slow me down as my design timelines shorten...

Isn't there simply a pc config that supports this? (a solid config for Solid)

Are these 3d parts from suppliers well made for someone? 






You don't have to do it all over again.

A simple removal of material can be enough to make a model usable.
You don't have to do everything at once, you can change them as you use them.


I prefer with Stefbeno.

You just have to 'clean' the files you import (mainly turn the engravings into 3D).

Another option: rather than re-importing BénéInox models each time, it is sometimes better to create a part (possibly based on theirs) with configurations. This will also speed up the opening of your files normally (loading a screw instead of 8 different models because the lengths change from one screw to another). This is especially true for everything that is standardized.

On very complicated files, it can indeed require redrawing a simplified volume.


Nb1: there are 3D libraries that can be downloaded from the Visisativ website. This can save you a lot of time to avoid redesigning really standard parts. In particular, they have bookcases on piping (flanges, elbows, etc.).

Nb2: this is typically the kind of work that is quite 'easy' to subcontract (service company, self-employed, fixed-term contract, intern..)

Nb3: since you are piping, planning the components to self-constrain with smartmates (or make 'soldiworks routing' comoposant if you have premium licenses) would be preferred. This would save you even more time in use (compared to using 'neutral' components downloaded from the internet).