Random sketch leave


I have a problem with creating a 3D sketch used for a scan. I have to connect a point A to a point B with a curved rectangular bar as short as possible with constraints of bending radii and minimum distance between two spokes (15mm).

I had managed to make a 3D sketch that worked, but when I changed settings on the final position, I often had problems with "random" leaves.

Are there any solutions to force SW to keep the leave we are interested in?

I did some tests with a very simple sketch.

In the first case, a 3D sketch:


In the second case, I created a normal (2D) sketch


In the case of my trajectory, I am in a 3D sketch and yet, the leave does not always work as desired...

If anyone has a trick to make this feature less random, I'm all for it.

Thank you.


Have you tried to put your leave in a fixed relationship? 


I tried, thank you, but it still doesn't work. It should only block the shelf.


No way to better manage radius inversions. Rest assured, the (main) competition is no better. 

Small solution tinkered with and it's settled (within certain limits). See my example attached.

Change only the angle of sketch 1.


We must avoid collinear lines because infinite radius therefore error.

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You can side an angle between the two straights or better still side the curve it works very well.

When one part of the spline corresponds to what you want : but you move another part of the spline, obviously the first part has moved and is no longer in line with your expectations.
It is usually from this moment that we start to curse the inventor of spaghetti.
This tutorial offers to accompany you flexibly towards a better mastery of the different types of splines.

Kind regards

PS: Question qwizz Why b-splines and style spilnes?


Thank you for your answers, unfortunately, it doesn't solve my problem.

In my case, it's really a very specific application. I have to connect two points in space with given angles and I'm very happy that SW manages to solve my problem on his own from a 3D sketch.

The problem is when I want to reuse my model for another project, because updating the settings ruins a good part of my leave.

But if there is no solution to constrain these leaves, I will tinker on a case-by-case basis. Where it bothers me is the randomness of the problem.

Thank you again to all.

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