SOLIDWORKS Oblique Part Solder Connector


How to make a connection with any two angles.

Thank you for your help, I want to use it in simulation.

Kind regards.




Hello Spectrum

Sorry but I don't really understand your request.   ;-)  ;-)

You say "connection" with any two angles. ""  ????

In your .doc we see the result but we don't know all the parameters used for the simu, or what doesn't suit you.

I have the impression (without any certainty) that you want remote loading to have a different angle of pressure or tension on the sheet metal that bends under the effect of a force. This will have the effect of changing the deformation.
If that's my misunderstanding, then it's a simple question of vocabulary        ;-)

Can you please specify what you want to do?

Also post either your ASM or a screenshot of the parameters used for the simulation.

Kind regards

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Hello Zozo,

In fact I want to be able to change the angle of pull like in the example in my word,

To get closer to theoretical calculations, this is my idea.

Thank you for your help, I'm putting the pack of my model, a reuse of a model from your forum by modifying by shells to allow perpendicular cords.....



here is the pack and Go,

Thank you for your patience.........



What's next



Here is the result with a deliberately exaggerated deformation.

There were several mistakes (and totally useless stuff) but the most important thing for this type of deformation is

  1.  to use not an edge but a restricted surface created with the separation line function which allows you to delimit a surface on which the force will be applied
  2. to use a remote charge and especially the sense of gravity which here must be horizontal.
  3. a mass must be used, not a force. The force always pulls in a straight line while the mass at a distance moves with the deformation of the workpiece. This way, you see and control the spill, which is not the case with force.

I don't know which version of SW you have if it's the 2019 I'll give you the file, otherwise I'll have to make you a mini tutorial.

Regards    (look at the attachment to get a better picture)



So there, bravo I'm speechless.....

Thank you very much for the way I approached my problem, I had thought of making a heel at the level of the weld not a full penetration to have a surface but I had not implemented it because not perpendicular to the level of the anchor.

I will analyze your improvements and modifications to be able to use it.

I'm in Solidworks 2019.

Yours sincerely.


Hello Spectrum

Glad I was able to help you a little.

I attach the part file with the results.


  1. to put everything in volume (the beam simu does not work in your case.)
  2. Take a good look at all the configuration elements.
  3. You can easily change the position of the load remotely by playing with the distance as well as the height. So you can do different simulations of spillage or straight bending if you wish.

A little personal advice from Visiativ technicians : always avoid simulations with weld seams (besides that it's very badly done) because it brings absolutely nothing, especially for any part less than 10 mm thick. Beyond 10 mm and at worst make yourself a volume cord attached to the part and you will have much better controllable results. Especially since for welding there are weld strength tables and this by type of weld which allow you to check your simulation results.

If you need more information about SW you know where to reach us.

Kind regards

PS: You can close the topic by designating the worst answer    ;-)    ;)