Connecting Assembly Design Constraints


I have to assemble the same product 4 times. In order to avoid wasting time doing the same job 4 times, 

Can you tell me how I can from the first product, automatically gather the other 3? (maybe there is some kind of connection between the constraints of the parts of the 4 products).

Note: I had the parts copied and pasted into each product. All 4 carry the same constraints (but they don't connect)

I have to do the editing manually for the 3 that remain each time.

Thank you in advance for your help, 

Kind regards


Hello if you only have to do it 4 times, let it go, do it 4 times.

If it is more often (standard library objects, e.g. fittings, bolts, etc.).

This requires preparation and management of these files in a library so time to invest and maintain is not profitable for 4 times.

In addition, under CATIA with MD2 I don't have a license allowing me to register constraint references in the component.

However, we can improve the identification of the reference points of a part by using publications, it is useful and it is fast.

In the "Outis / Publications" tab part file

You select the elements that you will use to position the part in the assemblies.

A support plane or support surface of the part, a straight line serving as an axis or the detected axis of a cylindrical surface, etc

You have to give an explicit name to what you publish: "Support plan", "centering axis"

By default you must create at least 2 positioning publications for a cylindrical part 3 publications for the others, or even more (example head screw which can be used as clamping screws or adjustable stops, pressure screws.



Hello, thank you Sir. 

I will try your proposal. 

On the other hand, what do you think of the attached video? (from 2:48 >>end) 

Assembly connection constraints

Can it solve this problem too?

Thank you 

Yes, for the parts that you have copied / pasted with constraints, you just have to reconnect the missing target reference.

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