Constrain the toothed belt on a pulley and a bearing and see the mvt


I'm designing a 3D printer under solidworks 2014 and I'm struggling with the drives of each axis. I have to draw a combination of bearing (680zz), toothed belt (gt2) and pulley (gt2 20teeth). I manage to draw the bearing, the pulley and to use pulley/chain in the assemblies to connect the pulley to the bearing (I test, and the 2 rotate at the same time). I took the opportunity to create a belt part that I extruded by thin function boss and I drew the teeth according to the profile of the gt2 belts. The problem I encounter is that in the assembly it is not possible to have the belt that rotates around my bearing and pulley, it would probably be necessary to do it differently but I don't see. That's my first problem.

The 2nd, still related to this, is that my belt is not closed, it is open, because it activates the sliding plate (I drew it closed because it's easier with the pulley/chain relationship of solidworks). So how do I create an open toothed belt that moves/rotates around my pulleys/bearing?

I would like to point out that I would like this to be done thanks to constraints to be able to see live in the assembly, without going through the simulation. I also have the possibility to draw on solidworks 2015 if it makes things easier (I saw for example the automatic reconstruction like here on the chain:

To see the 1st draft of my drawing: assemblage-log_64.exe


Thank you in advance,


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To answer your first problem, your groove is a (rigid) part and not an assembly that will follow a sketch path to simulate a pulley/belt movement.
So you can only simulate the movement of your motor pulley.
On a line I have already done it because it was an assembly that followed a trajectory of sketches/constraints.
But for the strap I'll keep you informed, I'll try it right away.

Kind regards

for the movement of your tray. Create a mechanical constraint for yourself:

Mechanical Stress Tab / Rack and Pinion.

And for your rollover, I'm not convinced of this system.
It would be better to put another pinion (the same as the one of your engine). Your axle can very well have only a ball bearing if you do things right.

But to get back to your problem, you would have to create an assembly to create your belt.
Dsl I don't have too much time to help you more today.
I'll try later.
Have a nice day.


Hi rvillar,

Thanks already for watching. As I saw that on the latest versions of soliworks the chains update dynamically (see youtube video) I thought there must be something identical for the belts but I couldn't find it. For the movement of the chainring, yes I have installed a rack and pinion connection between my pinion and my LM8UU socket and turning my pinion drives my chainring in translation. Well I would say that it's just to check the operation because indeed, solidworks is more dedicated to static (although on the latest versions like the 2016 the simu is frankly well detailed).

What would be nice next would be to be able to make an open belt that rebuilds itself when I move the platter. Because the belt is bought by the meter and must be stuck in my metal part under the tray in the center.

As for the bearing, I didn't invent anything, this 3D printer is derived from the prusa i3.

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Watch this tutorial

which will allow you to manage the movements of your deck via your pulley 

On the example it's a rope but it can be a belt it's kif kif

this is the operating principle ....; -)


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Oh my dear, that's not bad but damn, it's work for something that could exist ready-made in solidworks anyway. They have a pulley/belt tool with the ability to create the belt in pieces and they have not integrated a way to simulate the movement of the belt while the pulleys rotate correctly. It's strange, isn't it?

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I found out how to do it. I'll send this to you in a zip during the day because I work there. See you soon
PS: my company is upgrading to Solidworks 2016.

Do I have to switch to 2016 or my 2014 version is enough? Otherwise I have the 2015 in college that I can get back.

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This is what I have for you.
I hope this will suit you.
You just have to change the sides you need and it will be good.

Good job and good luck.

PS: please click under my answer "this answer solved my problem".

Ok, I'm working there, I'm watching tonight when I get home but if you find it, you'll make a lot of people happy!

Thank you in advance.

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The work of GT22 is very good and more advanced.
If you have time, look at what he has done, but you will need a machine worthy of the name to not crash everything.
Good luck.

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Rvillar, what you have done is already what I have set up with the addition of the belt in the form of a piece with its teeth. The trick now is to have the belt that rotates around the pulleys because for the moment it is fixed :) So I can't put your post in resolution.

And that's what I was asking, how to do it?? GT22 has proposed a solution, I wonder if it's really suitable...

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the fact that via my method it works every time

and still quite fast

@+ ;-)

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Hello benjynet & GT22,

Benjynet, for my small assembly only the teeth of the couroie move and make the sprockets move. But the gt22 solution is very good too. It's a lot of work but it's merit ^^.