Constraining the Sketch of Circular Repetition


I am currently using SW18.

My problem is this: I can't constrain my sketch when I do a circular repetition. Indeed, when I launch the "circular repeat" function, I can't select the origin point of the part. The repeat function automatically selects a point in the center of the room, which is not constrained. So the result is an unconstrained sketch.

Do you have the solution?

Thank you  


Obviously SW takes the origin of your default sketch as long as you haven't selected your elements to repeat, and only then can you change the pivot point.

I did the test by selecting a point and then the elements but it puts the origin anyway.

So for this function, I advise you more to go to the very bottom and choose your entities to repeat and then choose the center of your repeat. (The entities to be repeated can be selected before starting the repeat too, simpler like "select string".)

From a personal point of view, I prefer rehearsals at the level of the piece and not in the sketch, but it's a personal choice.



Dsl Erratum

Another small problem when you select the entities and then repeat, it puts the dot in blue, and you say to yourself "ba all you have to do is choose my new center", and ba no, you have to click again in the blue box (even if it is already) and there you can change the point. (see do supp)

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Thank you for your quick answer,

Only I still can't totally constrain my sketch even if I apply your advice.

My repeated sketch remains in blue:(

In my opinion, SW does not allow you to totally constrain a sketch with a circular repetition. Future development...


I think my 1st answer was still relevant; You have to select the middle of one of the repetitions and there create a coincidence constraint with the diam 100 sketch and repeat the operation a second time so that the repetition is totally constrained. They could have already found a solution to solve the problem...


Why not put a vertical construction line with a coincidence constraint on your axis of your circular repetition the great circle

and create coincidences with the construction stroke and axis of your primary repetition 



Have you tried the "Totally constrain sketching" tool?

At home it works pretty well.


It's true that it works but the problem is that with circular repeats if you have a change in the diam of the repetition it's more annoying to modify because this function creates a horizontal and vertical dimension in relation to the origin of the part

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In your case if you move one of the circles slightly in blue, do you have a point that moves too?

If so, you just have to constrain this point.

For me there is a big problem on the selection of this point (if we are focused on the origin)




Ah also if your part is planned to have a family of parts or just a variant, make a hole in 1st and then the circular repetition of the function, it will be easier to manage and more readable in the tree.


Ac Cobra, I thought too but for the time being, on my side it takes into account the circular repetition.

I can change my center distance and the holes follow well.

For my part, I do more like Fuz3D, the repetitions with the function.

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It should be added:

a vertical or horizontal construction line to fix either a corner dimension





Excellent, the FUZ3D method works perfectly (move the center of the circle and constrain the blue dot at the origin). Even when you have several shapes in your sketch, the result is totally constrained.

Thank you.

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SW's voices are impenetrable:)