"Destroyed" constraint that remains as "deleted" in the tree

On SW15, I have a problem with constraints: during the design process, you have to create and then destroy constraints. These constraints remain in the Model Tree, displayed as if they were deleted, except that they cannot be reactivated.

Below are 2 screenshots of the same area of the tree:



Which version are you on?

Hello Ac Cobra, this is the standard 2015 version

Good evening Stef

This happens when the other part with which it was constrained has been deleted. As a result, it cannot be reactivated since the other piece no longer exists.

After that, it is possible to permanently remove the orphan constraint (from the other part).

Kind regards

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I wanted to know under which Sp, by clicking on ? then about SOLIDWORKS... and there it is indicated.

@Ac Cobra: Indeed your question surprised me, I'm in SP5.

@Zozo: What I don't understand is why the constraint remains. Usually, when you destroy a component, the constraint disappears. Here, I have dozens of constraints that appear unnecessarily, as in addition, sometimes, there are configurations, I can't just destroy the constraints in bulk just based on their state.


If I understand correctly, it's a feature that allows you to recover all your constraints if you put the part back (reactive).

This allows when a part has been removed by clumsiness for somewhat complex assemblies not to have to redo  all the constraints. Imagine a part with 3 constraints that would be used fifteen times or more in an ASM. In addition, if other parts are constrained to this part, you see the point of recovering all the constraints

Note @stef: a few days ago, I indicated on this forum how to delete en masse (with a very simple manip) and definitively these superfluous constraints. (I can't find the link for the moment).



It's possible that it's what you're describing but it must be able to be deactivated.

I saw your method to remove constraints en masse but as sometimes I have configs, I wonder how it will behave.


I haven't looked at how to remove this function.

On the other hand, I don't quite agree with you about your remark about the configs.

Indeed, if you permanently delete (and not by the delete function of feature manager) a part it no longer responds to the logic of the configs (at least as I understood this function. So the definitive deletion of a part responds to a different logic, it seems to me, configurations.

But I never use configs so I wouldn't be good advice on the subject :-)

On the other hand, for configs without permanent deletion you should look in the online help what they say on the subject

Hi all

The constraints are not destroyed at the same time as the part because when destroyed there is a confirmation window that appears and most of the time you click on "OK" without worrying about what is marked.

In the options of this window there is an option "Removed child functions", if it is unchecked the constraints will not be removed.


In addition, this window was no longer displayed on my machine (and indeed my colleague was no longer paying attention to it).

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Bravo @Pierre S     ;-) ;-)

A simple and tasteful solution that uses the function provided for this purpose.

To memorize at least for me.