Constraint only for position


Do you know how to make a keyboard shortcut to the command "constraint + to be used for positioning only"?

I have a keyboard shortcut to put a constraint but not with this option.

Thank you.




I use the function like this ==> select a face of object A ==> Ctrl by holding down this key ==> select the face of the other object.==> then appears a mini window with the main constraints ==> click on the one that suits you ==> after bringing the two faces together, The mini window disappears

On the other hand, this manip doesn't work in an ASM, I don't know why (???? settings)

Kind regards


I don't think you can add this shortcut with the requested option already pre-checked, unless you go through a macro maybe. And to make a shortcut to this macro.

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@sbadenis: I'm afraid you're right

@Zozo_mp: this is the maneuver I do though, I don't see where to tick "only for positioning"?

Thank you.


Good evening

For me it's "tongue at the cat"

Kind regards


Thank you all. I think I'm going to go for the macro....
