Assembly conversion

I need to exchange an assembly with a partner who doesn't work with SW.

I can't save my sldasm (68MB) in step.


Is there an error message that appears?

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No, but I always get an .err file whose content looks like this:


Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.000419498
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.00199951
Tolerant model: start of curve off by 0.00157797
Tolerant model: end of curve off by 0.00144724

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Have you tried in another format to see if it works??? In IGS or parasolid ???


When you save as you choose the STEP AP214 format???


See this link



What software do you want to export to?

You can try the parasolid or iges formats which work quite well as an export format... depending on the destination software

Normally, at creation, the .err file is created and efaces itself when the step is finished.

Depending on the complexity of the model, it can take a long time


Are you obliged to send your assembly with all your parts 

or simply the whole

if it's the whole converted your assembly into a part

and try to send this part you will have all the external references



I've already tried exporting the sldasm to part and then step (214)

or directly sldasm to step(214) without success.

I also tried to export parasolid.

I'll try "defeature"

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And record it as a piece and then as a step???



Save your assembly as a part and then try the "step" conversion

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you can show us a screen of your assembly please

Which version of solidworks do you have and SP?

Is it not normal at all your story is it a very heavy assembly?

Do you have a lot of library pieces?

all your parts and assembly are solved?

Answer these questions please

if you want us to help you


Can you send the err file?

If not, do the reported errors concern all components or only a few?

I specified in one of my messages that I had tried to save the sldasm as a sldprt before converting it to a step, without succeeding.

I tried the operation again with a more powerful machine but the result is the same: Cf. attached file

All my parts are resolved, the main one is a stp converted into prt (recovered from the partner)

There is no library room

No, I can't broadcast images.



Hello, sometimes what I do for clients, I save in PDF 3D on . SLDASM, it doesn't work too badly in general, but beware of HUGE sets.

Ps: I never got this mistake, sorry


You don't have surface parts, like parts from manufacturers recovered on their site or on Tracepart?



Try to see by creating a new part as in my tutorial and then try to save this new part in STEP:

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Indeed there is nothing interesting in the err file.

On the other hand, you say:
"All my parts are resolved, the main one is a stp converted into a prt (recovered from the partner)".

Does this piece have any errors? Is it completely in volume?
Try to delete this part before exporting.

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Thank you.

The solution is to "clean" the steps generated by others to get a native file without any errors.

Due to a lack of time, I was therefore forced to keep only one wheel from my assembly, for recalibration, and the parts I had added to it.

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And how do you "clean" a step?