Mass Conversion


Is there a possibility of mass conversion of step or igs files with an sw or mycadtools utility to obtain solidworks prt files.

I have a list of aluminum structure parts (more than 200 parts) from a supplier and it becomes tedious to open them all one by one to register them.

In addition, after sorting, the structural parts, I would like to convert them into . SLDFP for use in mechanical weld construction.


Any idea? 

I've never used it but it seems to me that the BatchConverter utility is exactly made for this kind of manipulation!


Good evening

I was thinking of him but the export option talks about dwg or PDF not from.prt



BatchConverter allows the import of iges/step (other). see image.


But in the following message you talk about export... What do you want to do it in? (anyway it works too).



I have a folder containing step files

I would like to convert them all into solidworks parts.

So I import the selected and applied steps

- In import processing: you select the folder or files you are interested in.

- in the options:  don't forget to specify the directory for the generated files (by default they will be in the same directory as the original file, but if you don't want to mix step and solidworks, specify another directory)

- And then in import processing: click on apply.


hoping not to forget anything because I use it less in this sense.


Rq: tested with 1 file to see if it goes well as it should at the beginning. and then launched the file.

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It should work with BatchConverter !


Alternatively, perhaps also with the SolidWorks Task Scheduler:


Or finally with a macro (to be adapted : here we export to a STEP while you want to import):

Hello Lucas

So I managed to convert my steps into coins with Batch. I just have to confer in .sfldp profile to use them in mechanical construction, but it doesn't seem to be part of the batch possibilities. Maybe a macro but I'm a kiche in this field

The easiest way to start is to make a macro by learning:


We start recording the macro, we do the manipulations with the keyboard and mouse, and then we look at the code!


Edit: I found some macros on the subject:

This thread is marked as resolved:



Yes the links are on the subject but it doesn't help me any more because I don't understand what needs to be modified to make .sldfp

I close the discussion to ask another one that stems from it because I managed to convert the steps into pieces

but I can't save them in bookstores