3D file conversion



We have a lot of problems in the company where I work in terms of converting 3D files between Catia and Solidworks


Normally the STEP format was created to allow easy communication between different 3D software, but in our case, it's very tricky


We make modules for customers on solidworks, which we send to our customers in STEP so that they can integrate them into their tools and when they send it to us, that's when it gets messy!! The files are ultra heavy, ultra slow to open to work on and many times they are missing files


Does anyone know of any 3D file conversion software


Thank you

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Yes, there are conversion gateways between CATIA and SolidWorks, for example DataKit.

I invite you to visit their website http://www.datakit.com/fr/ for example

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Precisely, we are trying to test Datakit at the moment, but this software quickly becomes very expensive if you want to add file conversion options 

Do you know of another software or solution?


the problem of CATIA, even if we switch to STEP, it tends to convert to surface

and the ideal format for the surface is the IGES

It is strongly recommended not to recover a file that has already been converted, as there are losses with each conversion

The idea is to prepare your model with a common reference point for the 2 software programs

When you get the model in step, you just have to insert it (or constrain it) on this point

This way each software works with its own data

principle of BLOCKS or XREFs on AUTOCAD


that's what I used to do when I used different software for a project


Kind regards

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Bernard, when you talk about reference points, what do you mean exactly?

I'm very interested in your idea and I want to see if we can apply it to our environment

Thanks in advance

antoine, concerning other software, he obviously exsists other ones note on solidworks a "catiaV5 solidworks translator" add-on which allows to open on solidworks catpart and catproduct ... Add-ins that do not allow you to export in CATIA format and that are not free.

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Hello Antoine,


As a conversion software, you also have 3D_Evolution, published by CoreTechnologie. It allows conversions to B-rep but also conversions with build history (including features, sketches, assembly structure, PMI...).  


Regarding the problem of "files that are too heavy to handle", there is in 3D_Evolution the SIMPLIFY module which allows you to lighten the CAD data by converting only the outer envelope of a part or an assembly.


I don't know if that's what you're looking for but the video below shows how this module works:






A simple clarification for those who find the converssion gateways too expensive (2 to 3 K€):

- why not buy Catia

- Why not keep wasting hours on surface stitching and file recovery.


In short, yes, it is software developed by professionals, for professionals.

And they are not gratuitous as such.

But unless I'm mistaken, when you work in a Catia environment, it's either for aeronautics, space or automotive; products (plane, car and satellites) that are not free....

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We have 3D conversion solutions between Solidworks and Catia. You can find more information here or by contacting me on 06 68 80 58 02.


Kind regards

Vincent SIMON

CAD Interop

Hello Antoine,


Of course, I hope you have been able to find a solution since then but, just in case, take a look at the http://3djuump.com site.


3D Juump could solve part of your file conversion problem. It opens Catia (V4 and V5), Solidworks (.sldprt, .sldasm) and STEP files.

3D Juump can serve as a gateway for you to exchange with your customers. Indeed, the software allows you to export to open formats (COLLADA, FBX, VRML and OBJ) that they can easily read.


It also offers you an internal format that will allow you to optimize the compression and sending of files by email. On the other hand, in this case, your client will have to be equipped with the software.


One clarification however, 3D Juump transforms surfaces into triangles as soon as they are imported. However, you can act on the rope error.


If you have any further questions, the 3D Juump team and I remain at your disposal on the site.


Sandrine – Juump 3D Team

Wellwith ZW3D, you can open catia files and save them, to open them in solidworks afterwards.

It acts as a good gateway.

You can find it at the following address: http://www.zw3d.fr/ 

Kind regards.

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I even had a customer who wanted to open a V5 with his sw, he couldn't, but I with my ZW3D I succeeded!

Bizard between 2 DS software!

if you want the list of formats in import / export of ZW3D go see this link: http://zw3d.fr/zw3d/zw3d_2014_comparatif.asp

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