Converting grams to kilograms with Solidworks


I would like to know if it is possible to create relationships between the units of measurement 

For example I want to convert grams to kilos and have this value that automatically goes into the cartridge

my problem is that I have defined a template with the GMS units (grams -meter -second) and that I want to have kilos

on Pro -enginner you can write a relationship between the parameters but I can't find the equivalent on solidworks

Thank you in advance for your help

Olive tree  

Go back to your options, where you defined the gms (gram, meter, second). Check "customized" and select Kilogram instead of gram in the corresponding box. Valid, and it's good:)


If you want the 2 units, you have to be able to do that with an equation.

You create a property for yourself, for example "Masse_KG" (if you are in grams)

In the equation, you get the "SW-mass" and you multiply.


Thank you very much for your help 

I chose the solution with the equation because I don't want to change the options (it's a personal choice that only commits me)

Thanks again to both of you

Olive tree