Conversion .step and .sldprt

Hi all

I'm calling for your help regarding a .step that I want to convert to .sldprt.

I have problems with the defective sides and I can't solve them...  

I'm running on SW2017 Sp5.0, could someone help me repair this file?

The file:

Thank you!


I'm in the 2018 version and I manage to recover everything with the functions contained in ""Import diagnostics"" even if afterwards there is still invisible dross after correction.

You can do in the import right-click on the surface and choose "repair the face" or "remove the discontinuities" in individual it can improve things compared to the option repair everything.

There is something that surprises me a little, you talk about a STEP file but the one you give us is in IGES. (I didn't open the two files but still)

Kind regards

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Thank you for your answer Zozo-mp,

I tried to do individual and general repairs but nothing to do, there are always recalcitrant faces...  

Otherwise when you dl the file, it's a .zip with pdf, dxf, and 2 step (straight or angular version). No Iges.


Exactly!  no IGES

Wait a few minutes I check in any case in the photo I gave you all the faces are apparently repaired.

The creation tree shows no errors after repair

Imported faces are not editable because!! (I'm trying to understand why and I'm telling you)

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In summary, all surfaces are converted correctly but remain in the form of surface. So without the possibility to modify anything (hence my confusion with the IGES file).

Normally there is not too much difference between the 2017 and the 2018!

Have you tried to repair the two problematic surfaces by hand?


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Thank you for your help, I tried but nothing helped. I still have two surfaces left that I can't repair... :(

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Here are your files with no defects, to achieve this just open and then select STEP next to file name in the window then option and select sewn surface(s) and voila.

Just out of curiosity how to have your MEP listed. Since from the imported STEP there is no possibility of having automatic dimensioning.

Boom On the ass   (ouch!!)

So there ac cobra427 more than hats.

What mastery! I admire! It's more exciting than the Blues at the fuck

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 @ ac cobra 427 : I just want to give you this line to Tom Hanks "You're a genius f*****!"

I've been processing SW step files for weeks and you've just solved more than a small problem with my camera! When I open a .step file, I always select "All files (*.*) which doesn't offer me the options! Now I can do that with my other files !!

 @ Zozo_mp : to answer your question, I didn't make the plan. That's what I find on the manufacturer's website. I just need the component (without error) for my design. And thank you for your help:p


Hello @AC Cobra 427 I need your help 

I have a file with .stp extension and I want to convert it to .sldpart in order to play on the simulation 

Thank you

Hello @dbaniyoussef 

The topic has been closed since June 2018, you need to create a new topic so  that we can answer you.

Kind regards