Convert features with the entire surface


I'd like to convert the entities of a surface to a sketch, but with everything that the surface has.
It's a very complex surface with a lot of cutting and a lot of holes, I wouldn't like to have to select each cut separately.

Is this possible?

PS: the volume is a .step

Thanks in advance


Can you make us a screenshot even partial.

It's not the STEP that's the problem since you can convert it to PART with function recognition. Once you have your share, you should be able to do something more easily, even if it means completing what you lack with new sketches and extrusion or removal of material according to your needs.

Kind regards

Hello, for having asked the question a short time ago to the technical department, to recover the "inside" contours there must have already been a conversion of the entities of the "outside" contour. once done, you have to convert the entities again (it indicates it with a message and then brings up a menu) and check options such as "Inner loops ", select the desired surface and then the button "Select all inner loops" which adds all the inner contours to the selection list and finally validate the function.

And in your case do it for the different surfaces.

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hooooo but??

Thank you for your answers.. I'm so focused on what I'm looking for that I lack perspective and yet it was in front of my eyes ahhaha.
FUZ3D answered my question, I just hadn't seen the "Select all inner loops" button.

Thank you!