Convert 3D (curved) part to sheet metal


I would like to convert this piece into sheet metal to unfold it. Is it possible? Thank you in advance.


It's probably possible, but while we're at it, rather than converting, it would be better to model it directly in sheet metal via a transition fold.

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Yes except that I don't master the sheet metal module at all, I'll try on this good advice. Thank you.

My curve is an unrecognized spline...

Hello, piece in educational license hin!? Wouldn't you be a student trying to get others to do your job? sorry otherwise but we have this case far too often...


Kind regards


And yes still at school at 50, sorry, I'm burned, not just a teacher who is trying to progress... Look at the piece before you say anything, there are several of us who can't find the answer, I specialize in design and not in sheet metal. And I don't force anyone to answer. I found a solution by spraying on a surface with flattening but it is not pure sheet metal work (not declared as sheet metal).

Yours sincerely also

Convert top edges to  3D sketch

In sheet metal, take the transition folds function, select the 2 3D sketches, put the thickness of the sheet....
And that's it
The result is a fold-out sheet metal

according to the SW  version in surface there is the flat tool

@+ ;-)



In sheet metal work, it may be a hassle to draw, but even more so to achieve!

Good luck to the boilermaker...


Otherwise for the 3D realization I tried to convert the curve into a 3D sketch to do a scan-> failure

I then tried with a 2nd curve // and 3D sketch conversion then transition fold between the 2 3D curves-> failure

see the attached file SW 2017

the 2 options are created ;-)

@+ ;-)


gt22  your solution does work and in addition it is simpler than my 2nd attempt, even if the basic idea (3D sketch) was close.

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I'm on 2014. Thank you bcp for your answer. But what do you mean by the top edges?

 @ sbadenis 

Did you doubt?

that's not good ;-)

@+ ;-)

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Indeed, we have just opened a BMA Ironwork section and they use curves a lot, colleagues would like to be able to model their portals on solidworks, etc. I try to give them a hand. Is it possible to have the file in step?

 ago Declolab | 85 point(s)

I'm on 2014. Thank you bcp for your answer. But what do you mean by the top edges?

select 3D sketch

Via Convert Features tool Select an edge on the surface below

to prevent flattening from intersecting the 3D volume

same for the 2nd spline

sheet metal tool box / transition folds / select 3d sketches / put a sheet thickness

and it's done

@+ ;-)


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Ok nickel, it's great, a big thank you, frankly competent. And a very good day to you.

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in step it doesn't work so well 

here is the parasolid file which is the engine of SW

therefore easily exploitable

@+ ;-)

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for fun ;-)

@+ ;-)

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Efficient and excellent. Thank you again.

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