Convert a step file into a sheet metal part?


I would have liked to know if it was possible to convert a step file of a part that has been scanned in 3D into a sheet metal part?


Look at my tutorial, it should help you.

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Otherwise you can put the STEP in the post so that we can take a look at it to do some tests???

Here is the file:


I don't think it's possible, this part must come from a cast... Unless you redesign it with multiple sheet metal and stamping functions to achieve the desired result.


The conversion to sheet metal is quite limited, for an example, see this tutorial:

See also the help page which is quite complete:

But I think that for this piece, it's impossible.

It is indeed a rather complicated part but it is obtained by stamping cutting. In any case, thank you for your help gentlemen and if I find a solution that saves me time, I will not fail to share it for as many people as possible.

I found the solution; If you have solidworks premium 2016 there is a way to get the DEV (it's one of the few features that is only available in premium version). You will have to use in insertion==>surface==>to lay flat

it's a new feature in 2016 that is not very widespread, I'm attaching the way I proceeded as well as the DXF file of the DEV and the 3D part in  2016 for those who want to see how we do it... I'll put the DXF in the next post if I'm validated as the best answer

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