XYZ Coordinates to Solidworks

Hi all

I have scoured dozens of forums and I have not found the solution to my problem....

Problem: I would like to be able to create a volume file with XYZ coordinates or failing that an STL file.


What I have in my possession: 

- A .TXT file (attached to this post) with all my values of X, Y and Z (with decimal separator a "." or a "," (I have all 2)). The latter is about 15000 lines...  

- SolidWorks premium 2013 but I don't have the ScanTo3D option

- Creo 3.0 (V. M070).3

- MeshLab

- Coming soon: Catia, but not right away.


I have already tested the import of all the data via the curve option but I can't do anything afterwards....


Thank you in advance for your help!



As far as Catia is concerned, macros allow you to do what you ask for with the GSD module, you should have an example of these macros on this forum. Solidwork should have an equivalent.

Yes I saw a maccro that can generate 3D sketches with XYZ coordinates, but then as I have several heights of Z, SolidWorks couldn't work with it...


Does your room look something like this?

I had never used ScanTo3D before.





I do indeed have a similar rendering with the SW curve tool.


It  might help you.


May the force be with you


Thank you OBI WAN for your file!

Unfortunately I had already found it on this forum and in my case once I have traced all my points or splines I don't know what to do with them afterwards....

Because I have several Z's heights, and SolidWorks can't work with it...

To solve my problem, I use a maccro to automatically write each height of Z in the file that generates the curves on SW and that executes the maccro curve or point.

Thank you again for the file which was a great help to me.



Can you share your macro with us?