Bulk file copy


Is there a utility related to SW to copy several assemblies with all the references (parts and drawings)? without having to open the assemblies and make "take-away composition"... I would have about 600 assemblies!!

And ideally, can it be linked to a list defined in excel or other?

Thank you


Yes, there's a utility for that



Best regards



a van to pay once +

There is nothing free of charge in this world?

to do the same

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in fact nothing is free but afterwards if you have time to waste (time = money) it is possible to do something in VBA but then it all depends on your knowledge, and the time you have.


Kind regards



Simple calculation. We will take 1 hour of studies for a designer = 40€

Let's say that this manipulation is not complicated, but you still have to open the 600 assemblies and do the manipulations.

let's say 3 minutes x 600 = 1800 minutes or 30 hours



At 65€ versus 1200€ (cost of the operation carried out manually), my choice is quickly made

No need + to be behind the van, you can launch in the evening and watch Inspector Barnaby (my idol)


Now, we can all start working for free too... that's good, I'm going to go to Honda to take a motorcycle for free, and to Beneteau because I also like big boats :-)


Well, obviously, I say this with a lot of humor (but the calculation of the ROI is accurate)



What I wanted to say is given the price of solidworks with + maintenance

and if you don't want to be asbin take each version


pay in + for a function that should (or could) be understood

(now it's true that the price is not huge)


I find strong KF


that's all @+ ;-)


GT22 If you want to use a free function of Solidworks there is the composition to take with you ... But the problem is that you have to do it manually for each of the assemblies, which is necessarily much longer than going through the utility.

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I'm already using projectmanager, but I can't fill in an assembly list!! it only works for one assembly. This may be related to the version used, I'm still with SW2011, so my version of projectmanager hasn't evolved since.... 2011



It is possible to select x together in Porject Manager (at least in my 2013 version) see attached image.

Be careful to fill in the search files for parts and assemblies as well!





there is no such option with the 2011 version....is the 2013 version of ProjectManager compatible with SW2011?

Could you please take a screenshot of your version.

I'll let the right people answer about Porject Manager 2013 with SW 2011...




Hello @frederic.arnault,


ProjectManager handles bulk copying of multiple assemblies well, but it is indeed a feature that has been added to the latest version of the utility... So not available on your version :-)


As for projectManager 2013 compatibility with solidWorks 2011, I would be surprised since the developers of the tool use the latest SolidWorks APIs (which don't necessarily exist on SolidWorks 2011). Compatibility is therefore (very) uncertain.

I tried to install projectmanager 2013 with my SW2011 version, it doesn't work, I can't even do the installation until SW2013 is installed.... I have to find another solution!!

@frederic.arnault Yes, the solution, switch to SolidWorks 2013 :-)



Here is a small macro to do mass backup.

The only limitation is that Sw opens each assembly to create the take-away composition and then closes it again.

If your models are large, it's better to run it at night.


Option Explicit

Dim Err As Long, Warn As Long

Sub Main()

    'Searching for files
    Dim Path As String
    ' Resource File Path
    Path = "C:\CheminsModeles.txt"
      ' Structure of the resource file:
      ' Chemin_du_modele_a_ouvrir ; Chemin_de_sauvegarde_du_modele
      ' To create a zip, simply add the .zip extension at the end of the path
    Dim FSO as New FileSystemObject
    If FSO. FileExists(Path) Then
        Sun F As File
        Set F = FSO. GetFile(Path)
        Dim TS As TextStream
        Set TS = F.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading)
        Dim Coll As New Collection
        Dim CollInfos As Collection
        While Not TS. AtEndOfStream
            Dim Line As String
            Line = TS. ReadLine
            Dim TabS() As String
            TabS = Split(Line, "; ")
            Set CollInfos = New Collection
            CollInfos.Add Trim(TabS(0)), "Template"
            CollInfos.Add Trim(TabS(1)), "BackupPath"
            Coll.Add CollInfos
        TS. Close
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set FSO = Nothing
    Dim Sw As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim Modele As ModelDoc2
    Dim PackAndGo As PackAndGo
    Set Sw = Application.SldWorks
    For Each CollInfos In Coll
        Model Set = Sw.OpenDoc6(CollInfos("Template"), swDocASSEMBLY, swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", Err, Warn)
        Debug.Print Template.GetPathName
        Set PackAndGo = Template.Extension.GetPackAndGo
        PackAndGo.IncludeDrawings = True
        PackAndGo.SetSaveToName True, CollInfos("BackupPath")
        Template.Extension.SavePackAndGo PackAndGo
        Sw.CloseDoc Template.GetPathName
    Next CollInfos
    Set Sw = Nothing

End Sub


Thank you @ Etienne for this sharing


All that's left + is to test this macro @ frederic and give us some good news


@+ ;-)

@ frederic.arnault

we would like to have the result of this macro

Did you give it a try?

Don't forget to put the correct answers in solution and note


No news, good news?


I haven't tested it yet... and I'm not a fan of macros, so it may take a little time ;-)

But first of all, thank you for taking the time to answer....