Copy/Paste Part Properties



Several parts of my assembly have similar part properties. 

That's why I was wondering if it was possible to copy these properties and paste them into my different rooms? 

It would save me a lot of time.


Kind regards 


Yes it is possible to copy/paste custom properties, it will not impact the design in any way.
Only the information that will be attached to it.

A little tour by the help should help just in case ;-) :

I talk about properties in "Summary information", the table. 

If it is possible, how should we do it? 

This is not possible unfortunately for the summary  tab :-(

On the other hand, for the customize tab, it is possible to select the desired properties with a left click dragged up and down on the leftmost column of the table. A CTRL+C in the starting part, and a CTRL+V in the next part.



A simple copy/paste works otherwise if several files, go through the task scheduler -> Update custom properties.

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Oops, may be misread but the information on the first page is from windows. You have to look at the APIs for windows (docproperties).

Thank you.

Otherwise after some research here is what I found:



Yes but in this case, it's not free anymore ;-)

And as they say, it's better when it's free:-D
(well in this case, obviously not but it was for the valve)

Perfect, I'll be satisfied with your solution. 

Thank you Azrod. 

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