Copy and paste a data card onto another part


I am looking for information on how to copy certain fields from a data card (Reference, designation, ...) to copy them to another given card.

Here's the app:

I create  a new child assembly and part number in EPDM.

I use the pack & go from another assembly and child parts, to make my copy.

I change the dimensions of certain rooms and at the end of the study I change the data card room by room.

The fields filled in are identical between the documents, except for the reference number.


So I would like to automate this operation.

Thank you for enlightening me on similar subjects, with why not a reusable macro base.



In Epdm there is the function "Copy tree... " that exists, this one is to be preferred compared to the "PackAndGo". See HERE or HERE for help. And depending on your EPDM configuration, your question will solve itself...

Kind regards

Hello, I don't know if I understood the question correctly, but why don't you make a file  data card that retrieves the default values of the folder in which it is placed? You create a folder and fill in the data card of it and all the values will apply to the coins put in it.