Copy along a SW curve


Is there a tool -in sketch mode- to copy a circle for example along a 3d curve? SEE PDF ATTACHED

Autocad does it, SW?


With repetition driven by a curve perhaps?


I'm back on the forum, in sketch mode I haven't found how to copy a circle along a 3D curve, cf pdf attached, manip from ARC+2005, if anyone knows how to do it in sw I'm taker for material removal in curved stringers in order to recover the unfolded with the holes

Sincerely, Pierre


When the dxf arrives in sw the file is an assembly? Why, I'm not interested, I'd like to create volumes with this sketch - see attached pdf



you have to do your material removal and repetitions in an intermediate unfolded as in the SW 2020 attachment.


Hello, on my side under sw2018, there is no way to make the copy in question in sketch mode (not even in 2D), and even if you manage to make these sketches, I imagine that it would take X-removal of material (radial direction), in my opinion the best proposal is the one described by @sbadenis 

Yes Lynk

I also thought, too bad that the curve-driven material removal repetition function failed!! it would be quickly done well... alas no sw stall!!

So I'm leaning towards the AC Cobra solution

I'll keep you posted, thank you