Copy 3D text

Hello everyone

Here is my problem, I modeled a piece with 6 studs like a Lego piece and on the studs I have a 3D text but  I can't make a copy of this text to import them on the other faces of the studs? Does anyone have an idea.

Thank you for your help

FYI I'm switching from SolidEdge to SolidWorks so I'm struggling quite a bit 

Good evening to all


You select the function in the tree on the left then CTRL+C then you click on the face where you want to paste the function and CTRL+V


You can also do a linear repetition of a function as well.



Another  solution

1> make a sketch, a point on each plot  where you want to position your text sketch with the exception of the original plot.

2> Use the Sketch-Driven Repeat function.

may the force be with you.

and Happy New Year 2016:)


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@ Max 59's answer is relevant 

See also this tutorial for rehearsals

This tutorial allows you to understand how repetitions work

as well as the weight of these functions

@+ ;-)