2D vs. 3D Angular Dimensioning

Hi all

I'm in the process of creating an excel file to control dimensions in a part file. There are several piloted holes in my part, I dimension these holes angularly in relation to a vertical constrained X (sketch lines) The dimension must be able to vary between 0° to 359°. My problem is that when I enter a 110° dimension for example, solidworks changes me, without me asking anything, the direction of the dimension which is like making me a 250° dimension. I would like to know if it is possible to fix the direction of the angular dimension to avoid producing an "upside down" dimension. (Note that this dimension is used for the drawing and I would like all my dimensions to be in the same direction.) More seriously, when I go from a 90° to 250° dimension, it does pass me at 250° but upside down, which gives 110° in the right direction and therefore a false dimension.

I don't know if I'm very clear.

Thank you for your help.



It seems to me that it is in a text file that you have to cahnger the additional angle parameters:

C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS\lang\english and it's "bendnoteformat.txt"

because Solidworks does the additional quotation and by modifying this file it does it normally. copy yours on the desktop to have a backup and replace it with mine to see or compare the two to see the difference but in any case make a backup of yours.

Here is mine....

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Sorry, I forgot to specify what type of part I have to act on, it is not a sheet metal part. I believe that the bendnoteformat sets the angles and dimensions of the bending parts. In my case it is a 2D sketch with 2 lines on a circle for a material removal. I put my files in PJ to make it clearer. (I play with the 8 stitching between to cause the error)

The purpose would be to create an automatic angular execution dimension in MEP for boilermaking use. The ideal would have been to quote this type of dimension directly from the 3D and to output it from the object of the model but Solid to my knowledge does not offer it. So I'm going to have a little bit of fun with APIs.



The excel file for the management

Problem solved, 

This came from the fact that I used a 3D sketch to make my angle, which can only vary by 180°. With a 2D sketch or oriented plan, no more problems. You can vary from 0 to 360 while driving. 

If it can be of use to anyone;)

Problem solved, 

This came from the fact that I used a 3D sketch to make my angle, which can only vary by 180°. With a 2D sketch or oriented plan, no more problems. You can vary from 0 to 360 while driving. 

If it can be of use to anyone;)