GPS Dimensioning (continued) - SolidWorks

I'm looking for modifiers (LP, GN, LS, GX,... §ISO 14405-1:2010) at the tolerance level:

@AZROD, @OBI WAN, @Gt22 and @Benoit.LF have already helped me a lot with the editing  of the gtol.sym file

The problem remains that sometimes you have to put a modifier on the upper gap and another on the lower gap like the image above.

For now, I can only put my modifier after the set (rating+tolerance) as below:

If anyone knows the "trick" to bring these new symbols up to the level of tolerance ...

Hello again, the problem is stubborn from what I see:)

Just tap enter between each modifier on the screen:




Edit: Oh no, indeed the modifier must be well in front of the tolerance.. so I'm going back to work on it!


That's it, I found a way to do it by modifying the added code.

However, you have to combine two modifiers together to have this effect.

Here's the piece of code:


A,ARC .5,.5,.5,.90,270
A,LINE .5,0,1.6,0
A,LINE .5,1,1.6,1
A,ARC 1.6,.5,.5,270,90
A,TEXT 1.05,.5,LP
A,ARC .5,1.5,.5,90,270
A,LINE .5,1,1.6,1
A,LINE .5,2,1.6,2
A,ARC 1.6,1.5,.5,270,90
A,TEXT 1.05,1.5,GN


Same principle of addition in the " gtol.sym " as the other question:)

PS: Remember to restart SolidWorks once the file has been modified!


 @AZROD, Are you a super pro at gtol.sym files!!

I slightly took your line to have a game between the 2 symbols:

You allowed me to dive into this very important file if we want to create particular symbols.

I've pretty much seen how it works.

Just one question: can we reduce the height of the text? (that of LP and GN)

Thank you very much in any case!

I'm going to create a file with all the mamnquant symbols to make them available to the community.


Well done  @AZROD


Ahah thank you @alain. ERP

But I'm discovering it at the same time as you, I'm also feeling my way around, but understanding this kind of programming is not so hard in the end!

Regarding the size of the text, I don't think we can do it directly in the file, but I'll look at you never know.

However, you can do it inside the dimension text box, by adding:

<font size=value>

in front of either the <DIM>  or in front of the <INSP-GN-LP modifier>

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Here is a first version of my gtol.sym file arranged for GPS dimensioning
