Non-magnetic quotation between them

Hello friends,
Let me explain my little problem: I lost the magnetization of the sides between them.
They no longer align.

I attached an image with a rating (of 30) that doesn't magnetize with the other. The overlay makes you ugly and gives time to waste trying to put it on properly.

Do you have an idea?


Solidworks 2016. SP3

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see this tutorial for you something

@+ ;-)


Thank you it gives me extra things for my future plans, but for small plans the dimensions were magnetized to each other when quotation and now they are no more.

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see if when you make a quote in DimXpert you have checked the quick quote box...


Can it help?

Align Dimensions and Notes

There are several ways to align dimensions and notes using inference lines, grids, and alignment tools.

Inference Lines

You can align dimensions and notes by using the inference lines that appear when dragging.

Drag the text in dimensions or notes to the new location. Use inference lines to align and position them.

Drag a dimension and "snap" it to the text on another side, as indicated by the dashed inference line.
Drag a note and "snap" it to the text of a dimension, as indicated by the dashed inference line.

To temporarily disable snapping, hold down the Alt key .


You can drag and snap dimensions (not notes) to the grid.

Activate the grid and set its spacing in Tools > Options > Document Properties > Grid/Snap.

Alignment tools

Only the dimension alignment tools (Align Parallel/Concentric and Align Collinear/Radial) create a permanent alignment. This is not the case with inference lines and the snap grid.

Table of Contents

  • Align Dimensions Parallel/Concentric

    In a drawing, you can align the selected linear, radial, or angular dimensions by spacing them evenly. Align Parallel/Concentric is used to "stack" and "space" the dimensions. The selected dimensions must be of the same type.

  • Align dimensions in a collinear/radial manner

    In a drawing view, aligns and groups the selected linear, radial, or angular dimensions. The selected dimensions must be of the same type and have a common direction (linear dimensions) or a common center point (angular dimensions).


Thank you for your answers, but it doesn't have what I'm looking for. DSL
In quick and intelligent dimensioning, the dimensions stick together when they are neighbors.
It doesn't do it to me anymore.
I have however looked in the options, if clumsiness I would have made a bad manipulation... But I can't find anything elas.


Keep me posted.

Thank you


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The answer may be here:


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And if you compare the quoting options with your colleague you should find out what's stuck...


Won't there be a mix of dimensions imported from the model and dimensions created in the drawing?

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Stefbeno, no it doesn't have that.
I'm trying to find out why it's no longer magnetic.


Thank you very much for your help