Dimensioning and repetition of sheet metal drilling

Hello, I created a crinoline hoop with a hole to fix the wire.

This one is repeated every 45°, the problem is that I would like to side my unfolded with the spacing of the holes but impossible it tells me that only the axes or circles can be dimensioned.

Do you have a solution?

I put an example file as an attachment.

Thanks in advance!



In principle, we make the quotation on the flat model! if it's every 45° you just have to dimension the bow (since you know the inter or outer diameter of the part). In addition, you have a hole that is right in the axis of the inter or exter radius so fastoche. Since the part is very thin, the impact of the neutral fiber on the dimension is negligible.


Questions  the rating is in the model or in the MEP

I'm in SW 2021 but you seem to have SW 2022 so I can't see how you went about making your piece, nor give you an example.

@ac cobra 427     , among others, frequently gives examples of this type of problem, especially for flattening from volume

Kind regards

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Thank you for the answer.

I'm not a connoisseur of sheet metal, it may be stupid but if I unfold it I don't see how to "side the arc" as you say as well as create the "circular fold " I am only used to right angles.

I put the images back as attachments for the better dimensions.


The problem is that for SW, what was a circle is no longer so after flattening.

You need to make your holes on the unfolded part (so by going through the unfolded function):
- place the recovery bar after the "bent base sheet" function,
- unfolded the piece;
- make the holes (with the drilling wizard while you're at it, rather than removing material);
- fold the piece;
- bring the recovery bar back to the end.



The drill pins only appear on the part of the hoop that is not bent! I think the problem comes from the hole extrusion function! (normal material removal) to remove or not!

I tried to check/uncheck, normal removal of material doesn't change anything.

If I understood correctly, I have to do my piercings on my unfolded and then folded it?

If so, do you have a trick to make sure that the angles are properly respected?


Two ways to do it

  1. You dimension the rope (but it is useless for the flattening except to make a calculation since you know the radius and the chord and the angle)
  2. You side the bow. without taking your head and that in 1 second 18 hundredths

It is important to know that an arc can be dimensioned in a sketch or in the MEP.

For the bow

  1. select the two points defined by the two lines coming from the center  So if you select dimension you will have the chord but above all do not validate the dimension by right clicking or enter
  2. You don't release the mouse button but you press the CTRL key
  3. Then  you press the arc (the portion of the circle) and you pull slightly out of the circle, then a small portion of the circle appears above the dimension, thus indicating that now this dimension is relative to the length of the arc.

You have to go gently because the change of string or bow is very sensitive.

If it's not clear or you can't do it, I can make you a mini video ;-)

Kind regards


I admit that I don't know the whole process and especially what it changes because in the end the piercings are not created on the unfolded at least from what I understand. If it is possible on your side to make a mini video, it would be very nice!

The 52.5... would therefore be the odds to report on my unfolded if I understand correctly?

On the other hand, what I don't understand is when to make the holes because when I make my sheet metal in top view to extrude it, I unfold it, make my holes and fold it back, these disappear and if I start from the totally flat sheet metal to fold it into the desired shape I can't make an arc of a circle but only angles at 45.90, ...  

I understand that I ask several questions at the same time, it's not necessarily very clear!


Here is the 2D video, I haven't tried from a 3D object for this type of dimensioning

Kind regards

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Yes, if that's the method you adopt

Either you start from your part already created in volume then you recreate the sketch which allows you to know the value of the arc (see View 1 ) and you transform it into sheet metal and you then have a flattening which gives you the same dimension as that of the theoretical sketch (see View 2)

CF both images

There is another method that has been the subject of a tutorial by @ac cobra 427 


I am attaching the document for the method youcan make an MEP from this example part.


Good evening

You must use the method recommended by @stefbeno,  to know the dimension between the holes before positioning it you can use the sketch method with an arc dimension that I propose.

Kind regards


@ all  and @ all   

[ HS ON]

Just for fun

Just to end

There is a clever method to make an intermediate check or can have the piece folded and unfolded simultaneously . Very practical for carrying out a check or, as in the case @etude_38 knowing dimensions from a part originally made in pure volume, for example.

[HS /Off]

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