Solidworks routing quotation

Hello, I just switched to the 2015 version of Solidworks. I've been working with the routing module for several years and annavt this update we could dimension the tubes with elements outside the pipe which I can't do anymore, would someone have the possibility to enlighten me a little.

Thank you in advance, cordially, Besnier jB



We can try this: 

This task can be achieved in two different ways. 

1) through the use of 'Smart Dimensions' by selecting the external geometry and the pipe 3Dsketch. 
2) using the sketch relation 'Route along' available on the PropertyManager for the 3D route sketch. This appears after having Ctrl or Shift selected the external geometry and the sketch segment itself.

The Routing option 'use centerline dimension' must first be disabled. 

go back to your previous version SW 2015 is not the most stable yet

from what my ears hear

and the few friends who are or was on it

or call your dealer to ask him where the problem is

@+ ;-))

Going back to the 2014 is complicated, the whole design office has switched to the 2015 and all my files in progress have been converted in 2015, it's not even complicated, it's impossible. Thank you for your but it doesn't help me much, I'm going to fiddle a little more and if not try to reach the hotline ...

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Is the "Use neutral line dimension" option unchecked?



It seems to me that the dimensioning is always done via the 3D sketch

You can dimension this sketch via the environment 

and this 3D sketch is the neutral fiber of your routing

@+ ;-))

No always nothing I unchecked the box but nothing better ...

Before, I could use neutral fiber depending on the environment, but since the upgrade I can't anymore.


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External reference option, uncheck Do not create external references.

And there you go, it works:)