


I'm under SW2018, and I have a problem, I can no longer remove a dimension during drawing.

Does anyone have a solution?


Thank you in advance.



Hello, don't you have a filter activated (by mistake) that prevents you from selecting your rating?

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A particular rating or all ratings? Can you provide a screenshot of the problem?

Did you try to rebuild with the ctrl+Q command before the deletion?




It's all the dimensions that I can't delete and even on existing plans where I had been able to delete some.

I guess I had to lock the deletion but tell you how, I don't know.

I have the tab ' read only' in quotation which is checked.

Kind regards



Just uncheck read-only

since when read-only is checked as its name suggests it's read-only

one can only read 


The read-only box has nothing to do with whether or not the rating is removed.

Just that the value is linked to an equation.

To find out if you have a filter enabled, display your filter bar (if not already active) and click on the white arrow to the left of the bar (drop-down list) and try to sup again


No asset filters.

I saved everything and I restart the PC, it works again, probably a Bug of the PC.

Thanks for everything.


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