Full quotes?


I just designed parts on SW, but I'd like to know if I gave all the necessary dimensions to be able to make it. You will find the image attached.


Thank you in advance for your help.

For me you are missing dimensions in terms of the heights of your intermediate elements... The question is a bit daring though lol. I'm going to ask if they could do my job while we're at it. :p


your part you made it in 3D

so import the dimensions of the model

then you delete the duplicates if necessary

@+ ;-)


In the worst case, an oversight happens to everyone! Your subcontractor will call you to get the missing ribs.

otherwise you attach a WWTP with your MEP


Thank you Nicolas, that's what I thought too!!

"The question is a bit daring anyway lol. I'm going to ask if they could do my job while we're at it. :p"

Laughing out loud!!! Sorry it's true that these days in terms of self-confidence it has dropped seriously !!

Thank you Gt, good idea I hadn't thought about it!!

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Yes, you're right , Thomas!!

Thank you!

It's true that it happens a forgotten side

but as far as possible it's to avoid a MAX it makes her feel bad

That would mean that there was no verification of the plan???????????? not very professional

By importing the dimensions of the model you are sure not to forget anything

if of course you have everything in your 3 D

@+ ;-)


I agree with you gt22!!

I just wanted to play down the problem!


Otherwise, in absolute terms, you have to learn to rate and self-check.

Start with simple parts and then more complex. It becomes a habit. As for the notion of functional dimensions.

A good practice consists of redoing your piece only with your own drawing

Without using the rule, only the dimension of the plan.

There, we can see his own forgetfulness


Hi all

My personal technique consists of highlighting one by one the geometries and the dimensions associated with it .
The secret is to choose two horizontal and vertical reference geometries and see if, even indirectly, all the dimensions allow the geometries to be positioned in relation to the references.

An infallible technique whatever the complexity of the piece! This even makes it possible to detect the overabundance of coasts!






THANK YOU again for your help, I learned a lot!!

Thank you again for your help, I learned a lot!!