
Hello Meesieurs,

How do I set the dimension to draw angle  and length please in SolidWorks?


Does this video answer the question?


See also:


Hello PL

Yes it can help me, but if you want to draw a line at 45° and of any length? Should I check a box or not in the options?

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"of any length":

- if you want a segment of any length, you just don't have to dimension the length (the end point remains blue = unconstrained)

- or you can use an axis line


I don't explain myself well, sorry P.L

I want to draw a line measuring 150 millimeters and with an angle of 45°

Currently I get to the length but not the angle

So there are two quotations:

an angle of 45° to a plane or other line


a length of 150 mm on the line.

a 45° line measuring 150 mm on a 2-dimensional sketch.

What should be set in the options or others?

You have to create a horizontal construction line for example, then draw a normal line at about 45° and then the angle dimension can work.


The easiest way is to always have a construction line or normal to be able to have a base.


Otherwise by clicking on your line in question, in the left pane you can adjust its orientation.


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Oh okay, if it's a 3D sketch, it's different, you need more parameters indeed!

So we can constrain the line along the X, Y or Z axis. See here:


But most of the time, it is advisable to use 2D sketches.

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